400 Minecraft Tips and Tricks


Here is a giant list of Minecraft tips and tricks.

1. If your water somehow ends up in a funnel drain, you can drop six dirt blocks around the hole to fix the problem.

2. Line a house with signs to create the illusion of a boarded-up home.

3. A farm must be more than 32 blocks away from a village so that villagers do not attempt to return there.

4. You’ll get more wood with an enchanted shovel (efficiency) than you will with a regular axe.

5. Picking up a stack of items and dragging across your inventory while holding the left click will spread them out.

6. Crouching behind a wall ensures others cannot see your name.

7. Picking up an item and shit-double-clicking on another of the same item will have all of them move into your chest/inventory.

8. A torch can be placed on a block. Once you’ve done this you have light and can build blocks around the torch.

9. Harvesting crops will not lessen the durability of your tools.

10. Fishing is more likely to yield fish when it’s raining outside.

11. Need a torch but have no coal? Just use your stove to make some coal. All you need is a bit of wood.

12. If you build your house on the side of a cliff, mobs will not be able to surround it.

13. Sugar cane will create air pockets underwater and is useful if you want to build underwater structures.

14. The sun, moon, clouds, etc. always move in an east to west pattern. This can help you orient yourself.

15. If you don’t break an ender chest with a silky touch pickaxe, you’ll only get eight obsidian.

16. If you’re standing on a diamond block that’s floating on lava, and then you mine it…you’re gonna have a bad time. Make sure it’s safe.

17. You can knock a creeper back without taking damage if you do a sprint hit.

18. If you run out of torches while in a mine and are worried about a mob attack, you can fill the cave with water. Mobs can’t spawn in water.

19. You can throw snowballs at a blaze to hurt it. Seven snowballs will kill it.

20. Drop blocks into a ravine until they reach your height, then dig down, rather than jumping in and taking fall damage.

21. Don’t kill villagers for no reason, and don’t slaughter animals mercilessly. You might need them later.

22. Three wool and three planks make a bed, keep these on hand in case you need a new spawn point in an emergency.

23. The best route when trying to get animals is to tame two and breed them, rather than finding and taming a bunch.

24. Don’t waste diamonds on building a hoe. It’s virtually useless.

25. Iron armor is a lot more effective than leather armor. Definitely worth the upgrade.

26. Putting ice underneath soul sand forces other players to walk slowly. This helps if you set trap zones.

27. Use two planks to smelt three logs in order to obtain charcoal if you have none.

28. You can avoid taking damage from landing on a slime block if you land while holding the spacebar.

29. A bow shot with power five can kill most mobs with one hit.

30. You can create a fully automatic farm by using villagers to trigger replanting and continue farm growth.

31. One piece of golden armor makes piglins your best friends. Don’t open chests near the m, though.

32. Bring an extra pickaxe when you’re mining. This way if you stumble on a lot of mineable blocks, you can get it all done.

33. Nether portals are not limited in size, you can create them as big as you would like, with four by five being the minimum.

34. You can use a fishing pole to grab and pull creepers as well as animals.

35. When you’re in your inventory screen you can shift-click armor on and off.

36. Use shears to cut down ferns, tall grasses, and dead bushes.

37. You can use TNT to mine in the nether, aka blow up a lot of blocks and see what’s left.

38. You can use ice blocks to search for diamonds when you’re in an underground lava pool.

39. Placing frames around torches in your home gives a nice medieval effect.

40. Make sure to dump water before you harvest obsidian. This will prevent lava from messing anything up.

41. You can rename a chest that’s in an anvil, the name will stay in place even when you move it.

42. You can hit a fireball that a ghast throws at you back at it by using your sword. Baseball.

43. Green candles make excellent pumpkin stems.

44. If you’re building a pen for your animals, make a double gate. This will stop them from running away when you’re not paying attention. It also protects them from certain dangers.

45. If you’re stuck in the nether you can find flint and steel in the nether fortress chests.

46. You’re able to use sand and gravel as a roof. Place signs under each block to ensure that the roof doesn’t collapse.

47. You can manage to climb a cliff by dumping a water bucket as high as possible and then climbing the waterfall. When you get to the top, collect the water and climb again.

48. If you sprint and jump somewhere you will get there faster than sprinting alone.

49. Netherite armor does not burn in lava and it floats, so you can grab it again if you drop it.

50. Blocking with your sword does not damage its durability. Only actively attacking with your sword lessens its durability.

51. A bucket of water is always a handy thing to carry with you. They have many uses. Like starting a cactus farm, or battling endermen.

52. You can clear a large area very quickly using haste and efficiency five.

53. Raising your door by one block above ground level ensures that zombies can’t get inside of your house.

54. Using string and sticks and fishing for 20 minutes should be able to give you six health bars worth of fish.

55. Jack-o-lanterns are a better source of light than pumpkins. If you’re using them in tunnels, drop them making sure their face is towards the exit.

56. If you time it right, you can dump a bucket of water to prevent fall damage. Water breaks your fall, but you will only be able to dump it when you’re close enough to the ground.

57. You can hide the hole to a secret home by placing a tree on top of your ladder.

58. A minecart on a rail will travel through a 1-block hole. This is a fairly unknown fact, so you can use it to set traps.

59. Breaking a dragon egg is easiest if you put a torch two blocks below it, and then mine the block below the egg.

60. When you drop blocks in front of an explosion, you’ll reduce the damage. More blocks, less damage. Better to try and block than take damage.

61. Baked potatoes are way easier to get than steaks and pork chops. If you can’t have the whole BBQ, have the potatoes.

62. Using a bed during the day or during a storm will automatically set the time to morning.

63. Placing a water source next to obsidian you plan to mine means you will take less damage from the lava that will erupt.

64. Placing iron bars, signs, ladders, and glass panes underwater will create a temporary air pocket.

65. Using shears on cobwebs allows you to pick them up and replace them.

66. You can dry your sponges out quickly in the nether.

67. If you have fire-spread enabled it’s in your best interest to build a lot of stone slabs, these don’t catch fire. If you prefer wood, then you’ll need a texture pack.

68. If lightning hits a creeper stay far away, the explosion when it gets aggravated will be huge.

69. Rotten flesh can be fed to wolves to keep their hunger down.

70. Three blocks of space are enough to spawn a wither skeleton.

71. If you’re doing battle with an enderman, smack him in the legs. This reduces the chance that he’ll teleport behind you.

72. Falling into water does not result in fall damage, but if you fall into water while in a minecart you will take fall damage.

73. The absolute fastest way to travel is by spring-jumping across trap doors which have been placed on ice, with a stone block above your head.

74. Even if you’re playing the game in creative mode the ender dragon will still try to kill you, and will need to be defeated.

75. Being killed by a mob or another player drops your XP.

76. You can quickly travel to the ground through lava if you drink a fire resistance potion.

77. You should always keep flint and steel or a fire charge on you in the nether to be able to reactivate the portal if something happens to it.

78. Wooden pressure plates can be activated by floating items, stone plates cannot.

79. Trap doors can be used to make a one-way door. Remember that you can only enter from one side.

80. If you want to enchant diamond boots with feather fall, the best time to do it is level 26.

81. Your spawn point becomes the last place you slept. Your compass will always take you back there.

82. Don’t waste any resources on crafting a golden hoe. You won’t get much utility out of it.

83. Using a sword on a cobweb is a waste because you’re using up its limited durability. Use shears instead!

84. Sand and gravel are not adequate materials to build a good home with. Don’t waste your time.

85. Don’t keep valuable items on your person, especially if you’re going into a dangerous area. Keep them in a chest instead to avoid losing these items.

86. You can protect your home with powered rails and minecarts, simply set them off and have them scoop up any mobs who try to attack. They get a rollercoaster ride instead.

87. Growing four jungle saplings in a square will grow a giant jungle tree.

88. Use a trap door in front of your animal pens to ensure they all stay in one place.

89. Honey bottles will restore up to six hunger. You can use one honey bottle to craft three sugar.

90. If you place trap doors on the ground in a + sign formation and activate them, it will create a wooden crate.

91. The golden pickaxe cannot mine anything above coal. Its only real benefit is allowing you to mine stone blocks faster.

92. If you can trick a creeper into exploding while near other mobs, those will die as well.

93. You can activate redstone from up to two blocks away from the lever.

94. If farmland reverts to dirt your crops will die, keep an eye on it.

95. Putting a lever or tripwire hook over a cauldron gives you a sink with a faucet!

96. Don’t waste any wood crafting weapons. The only wooden thing you should make is a pickaxe. Wooden tools become worthless very quick.

97. If you’re looking for fortune and want to enchant tools, golden tools are your best bet.

98. Placing a sign on both sides of a two-step staircase which creates a chair.

99. Signs can block the flow of lava and water.

100. Jumping four blocks is risky, especially if you’re in survival mode. Often times it’s best not to risk it. Find another away around.

101. While diamond armor looks nice and shiny, it doesn’t provide much more protection than iron armor. Save the resources if you can.

102. You can empty a lava bucket on something you want to burn to create a fire.

103. If you compress ore stacks into blocks you can save inventory space.

104. Endermen can’t follow you if you jump into water. So find a nearby lake and go swimming. Very safe. (Probably.)

105. Using flint and steel on a creeper will almost always make them explode.

106. You can use lightning rods to create a candle holder. If you’d like to create a tall one, place a block four block spaces up and attach a lightning rod to the bottom, remove the block, place another rod beneath it, and voila!

107. Don’t be a hero when it comes to creepers. Snipe them from afar with your bow.

108. Vines are plentiful in swamp and jungle biomes. Use shears to trim them and use them to climb or descend.

109. If TNT is detonated in water it will not damage the surrounding blocks.

110. Seeds grow the fastest when the entire plot of land is hydrated and seeds are planted in rows with one empty row between each row with seeds.

111. You can create a nether portal using a water bucket, lava bucket, and flint and steel.

112. Using one bucket of lava will allow you to smelt up to 100 blocks.

113. Try not to dig straight up. If you run into a patch of sand, then it’ll fall on your head and you’ll suffocate. Also avoid digging straight up. Always dig at an angle. Much safer.

114. Don’t mine out huge areas near your own house or others’. Keep personal space in mind.

115. If you’re cooking or smelting with charcoal make sure to cook items in batches of eight.

116. You can clear a tree more easily by putting a ladder up, clearing the middle and then clearing the tree, top to bottom.

117. You can craft a re-spawn anchor if you’re playing in the nether so you don’t keep re-spawning in the overworld.

118. Placing items on top of string can make them look like they are floating in the air.

119. Honey blocks allow you to wall walk or slide down them, you can also land on them to take less damage.

120. If you’re playing on a PvP server then go ahead and craft some diamond armor. The tiny edge it gives over iron might help you win a fight.

121. The best way to create a pen for animals or mobs is with a fence and a carpet on top. You can jump into it, but the creatures can’t jump out.

122. If you’re looking to clear a patch of grass for building, you can simply dump a bucket of water. The grass will disappear.

123. You can put carpets on top of glowstone to hide the ugliness, but the glow will remain.

124. Don’t put water next to redstone in your inventory, you may accidentally click it and wet your redstone.

125. Taming animals (passive mobs) is better than killing them because they will stop spawning after being killed. This means food can run out quickly.

126. Leave yourself the in-game version of sticky notes. Put up signs if an area to tell you if it has been cleared, or if there is still a danger of mobs.

127. You can create a fake chimney by placing stone blocks in a hollow square shape and putting a firepit in the middle to create smoke.

128. If you plan to fish often consider placing an island in the middle of your body of water. This can help you avoid mob attacks.

129. If you want your farm animals to become ghosts, simply splash invisibility potions over them.

130. Sprint jumping on ice helps you move faster than if you sprint jump on dirt.

131. Placing a door on the back of sign chairs makes them look like thrones fit for a king (or queen).

132. If you don’t have torches you can bring wood into the caves, dig up some coal, and then make torches.

133. Mobs don’t walk across minecart tracks. Do with this knowledge what you will.

134. If you want to keep a skeleton or zombie from burning alive, you can lure them to onto soul sand.

135. If you place a hopper above and below your furnace, you will be able to smelt and cook faster.

136. The most dangerous place to be at night is the desert. Try to get to the jungle if you can.

137. Holding the button to gather water as you move forward is faster than swimming.

138. Building a multilevel greenhouse can help you farm more efficiently, and you only need one bucket of water to hydrate the lot by having the water come through the ceiling.

139. Monsters cannot burn up if it’s raining. This seems like common sense, but you never know.

140. If you’d like to protect yourself from ender-mobs, you can wear a pumpkin on your head. They won’t attack you then.

141. If you break a minecart with your bow, another minecart will drop down that you can still use.

142. If farmland is placed at a height of one block up it will not be able to grow crops easily.

143. If your shears are enchanted with silky touch, they can break blocks even if they’re not designed for them, and not lose any durability.

144. A sapling can grow very big if you surround it by glass blocks and feed it bone meal.

145. You can quickly take care of a stack of sand or gravel if you remove the bottom block, then drop a torch where it was. Step back because everything above will collapse.

146. One tick will help a sticky piston push blocks, instead of holding on to them.

147. Killing mobs near a spawner is a good way to increase your levels quickly.

148. Placing two red carpets together with a pile of snow creates a sleeping bag effect.

149. Make sure your home doesn’t drop below light level seven or mobs will be able to spawn into it.

150. Place light above the middle block and around the edges of your tilled areas to encourage night growth from your crops.

151. You can create cool cosmetic effects by using slime blocks to bounce most entities.

152. Stacking signs on top of one another is a unique way to create something cool.

153. The most effective farming space is a nine-by-nine plot of earth with a water source directly in the middle.

154. You can use a fishing rod to fish your tools out of lava if you accidentally lose them in there.

155. Be level-headed when attacking with your sword. Spamming the attack uses twice as much durability while doing the same amount of damage.

156. Mobs can’t spawn on half-slabs. Surround yourself with them and you’ll be safe.

157. Don’t hold flint and steel in a wooden house or around TNT.

158. If you see lava around a hole do not jump in to collect obsidian. The lava could eat the rock and you will fall into the void.

159. The best way to scare away creepers is ocelots. A creeper will always try to stay six blocks away from an ocelot.

160. Weighted pressure plates and flowerpots on top of a table make it become a dinner table.

161. Carry vines in the event of an unexpected fall down a cliff.

162. If you’re not set to peaceful mode when building, then you might get attacked.

163. Keeping your health as high as possible is a great way to ensure an unexpected creeper attack doesn’t kill you.

164. You can use flowing water to automatically harvest crops and sweep them into a collection method of your choice.

165. Try to get a creeper to explode on a slab. If this happens it will only destroy the one slab and not the things around it.

166. Stacking slabs on top of each other creates a block again.

167. If you’re in danger of drowning you can create an air pocket in the water by dropping a torch. This gives you some extra breathing time!

168. You can break a beehive with your hands to move it, a bee nest can only be moved with silk touch.

169. If you need lava or water to stop flowing, simply place a sign or ladder in the trench or river. This should stop the flow.

170. If you push the boat out into the water before jumping into it, the boat will go faster.

171. You can use beds as explosives in the nether if you’re low on TNT. Don’t try it if you’re not wearing armor.

172. Bees can pollinate as many as ten crops on their trips. Set up bee nests and hives on opposite ends of your crops to force pollination.

173. Extra water does not mean extra fertilization. If it’s within four blocks, then it’s fertilized, regardless of how much water is in the area.

174. When building dwellings make sure all are at least three blocks high to avoid concussing yourself if you jump.

175. Dirt and other worthless blocks are a waste of space in your inventory. Get rid of the clutter. It’ll make you happier. I if you do ever need dirt, you can find it everywhere.

176. Dropping unconnected redstone in a splatter type pattern can look like blood.

177. Mine in grids to avoid getting lost or taking excess damage.

178. If you’re using a bow to defend against an enemy, the proximity of the enemy determines how far back to pull the bowstring. Pull it further if they’re further away.

179. Don’t focus solely or primarily on gold when you’re mining. It only has a few good uses.

180. Make sure your farmland is less than five blocks away from water so that it does not get dehydrated.

181. Pumpkins are more rare than diamonds. If you find a pumpkin you should make sure to keep it.

182. You can shoot your boat and get a brand new one as a replacement.

183. Use lightning rods to create a table.

184. You can carry a stack of lily pads across a body of water. Drop them as you go to create stepping blocks.

185. If you use a knockback sword against a skeleton, then you’re just giving it more opportunities to shoot you.

186. If you’re building a bathroom you can hand a banner on the wall and it’ll look like a towel.

187. An ender pearl will help you teleport through a glass wall. Slide downward when it hits the glass.

188. You can breed wolves using rotten flesh. It makes them happy.

189. Surrounding your home with planks should alert you if any mobs walk on the planks – you’ll hear the noise.

190. Don’t build narrow walking paths in dangerous areas, you will fall off. Use common sense and set yourself up for more success than that.

191. Lighting a pig on fire will cause it to die, dropping cooked bacon to the ground.

192. Jump into a cauldron if you find yourself on fire.

193. Using a pickaxe with silk touch will get you stone instead of cobblestone.

194.  If you’re entering a lava cave make sure you have torches and water. It’s faster to cross the lake by dumping water on the lava, but you’ll need light once it’s gone.

195. A mushroom biome has the added benefit that most monsters don’t spawn there at night.

196. Building a room to farm enderman that is two blocks tall ensures they won’t be able to see you, since they are three blocks tall.

197. Cats will prevent you from sleeping if they sit on your bed, but will also deter creepers and make them go the other direction.

198.  If you put three fences between cobblestone blocks you can create something that looks like an arch.

199. Always try to remember the coordinates of the portal in the nether. Getting lost is only fun for so long.

200. Make sure to mark off dangerous tunnels as you’re digging so you don’t come back to them and accidentally die.

201. Paint custom heads to look like strawberries and place them on a plant to look like a strawberry bush.

202. Pouring a bucket of water onto an enderman will do a lot of damage. Don’t leave home without it!

203. Cave spiders can be easily beaten by bringing along a bucket of lava. Or just shoot them with your bow.

204. Keep your spawn base equipped with enough items to get you back to where you died, especially if you venture far away.

205. Build storage facilities to store resources and keep them on hand around the map. You can never have too many resources.

206. If you want to jump onto a block that is one block too high you can place a bed, jump up, and then take the bed back.

207. If you see a mob appear you can quickly place a trap door and dig down a few blocks to hide until the mob is gone.

208. You can pillar jump to escape most mobs if you do not want to dig down. Jumping 12 blocks high keeps you safe from most mobs besides spiders and phantoms.

209. Avoid lingering around villagers who don’t go to sleep at night. They are more likely to be attacked, which will put you in harm’s way.

210. If a tamed animal is bred and has a baby, the baby will be tame as well.

211. The best time to automatically harvest wheat is when 80% of the crops have fully grown, some will always take longer so take a loss for the most gain.

212. If there are too many creepers, then you should probably just run for it. It’s not worth dying to get a few snipes.

213. Stacking shulker boxes on top of one another give the illusion of a rusted metal pipe.

214. You can cure poison by drinking milk, but it will also remove positive potion effects. For this reason, be careful when drinking milk.

215. Finding food in the nether is somewhat difficult, so bring lots if you want to stay a while. Afterwards you can build a hoglin farm to generate food.

216. You can create an interesting rope effect by tying a rope to an animal and burying it underground.

217. Using a lighter while fighting silverfish will ensure they don’t multiply.

218. When you’re trying to mine glowstone always use a tool enchanted with silky touch.

219. Stone has higher blast resistance to TNT than dirt and wood.

220. A nether fencepost allows you to pass over it but will keep animals inside of it.

221. Placing coal ore underneath a cauldron will create the illusion of a fire that’s been extinguished recently.

222. If you find your gaming console is lagging or struggling with the game, you can turn off clouds in the graphic setting to help mitigate this.

223. Obsidian is best for blocking explosions. Dirt is the worst. Two blocks of cobblestone will stop most of the damage.

224. Boots with soulspeed will help you run faster on soul soil.

225. A torch can be used to block water from coming into a tunnel or cave.

226. You’ll rarely find enough diamonds to make everything you want to, so be picky on what you decide to craft with your diamonds.

227. Make sure to place a fence around your tilled plots. Include the space these blocks take in your planning.

228. Naming your sheep “Jeb_” will give it a rainbow-colored coat.

229. You can use a compass simply by putting mats in the crafting table and hovering over them, you don’t need to craft an actual compass.

230. The most diamonds spawn on levels 10-12. Make sure you have an enchanted pickaxe on you for these levels.

231. You are able to move armor stands around because they are coded as entities.

232. Place a carpet on top of a fencepost to create a side table.

233. If you throw a splash potion in the air and it lands on your head, you will get the maximum effect.

234. Water flows faster when it’s sitting on top of ice than if it’s sitting on top of dirt.

235. Mobs won’t spawn within 24 blocks of you. This gets annoying if there are too many players in the game.

236. Pink candles can be used to make cactus flowers.

237. If you find an area that will provide you with a lot of items, set up a new spawn base near it first. Then go in.

238. When farming it’s important to remember farmland can’t absorb water it is placed on top of.

239. If you want access to unlimited water, you can dig a trench that is three blocks long. If you fill it with water and only take water from the middle block, it will never deplete.

240. You can hide water on your farm by using green carpets. This also allows you to walk around on top of water. Hello, Jesus.

241. You can also drop stone blocks in water to get across as long as that water is only one block deep.

242. You can fill a large area with water if you add water along the middle diagonal.

243. Bee’s nests spawn naturally, beehives do not. Both hold three bees.

244. Only a small amount of diamonds spawn in an area. Make sure you use fortune tools when grabbing them.

245. If you see a villager get infected by a zombie, you can save them with a potion of wellness and a golden apple.

246. Use shears to harvest a bee’s nest or hive if you’d like honeycombs.

247. Make sure to never fully surround your bed as it may break the ability for it to be a spawn point. Never put glass, as players cannot spawn onto glass.

248. You won’t take fall damage if you drop into water that’s at least two blocks deep.

249. You can place a ditch of water or lava behind your door just in case a zombie tries to get through.

250. Always mix different texture blocks of the same color together when building walls to maintain the real wall effect.

251. Building a fireplace in a wooden house is not advised. In case you’re not sure why, there are no firemen in Minecraft.

252. Spiders won’t hurt you during the day unless you provoke them.

253. You can create floating sand by placing it on top of a plant and then killing the plant.

254. Mobs travel very slowly if there is ice underneath the soul sand.

255. The best materials to build a house are sturdy and not flammable, like stone or brick.

256. Trapping a snow golem in a hole means you get access to unlimited snow.

257. If you’re digging intricate tunnels and get lost within them, you can always dig straight up to get back out.

258. If you’re trying to remember how to craft an item, imagine the logical layout of it in your crafting table. Most designs are fairly simple.

259. Typing “/help” during the game will pull up a list of all the commands to help you out.

260. Glass can be used to block lava from entering a tunnel while preserving its light.

261. Water only fertilizes the ground that’s within four blocks of the water.

262. If you hover over an item and push a number key the item will move to that spot.

263. Rabbits will eat your carrot fields. Keep them away.

264. Stone from the end has a high blast resistance. Only obsidian is stronger.

265. You’re able to trap a block of lava or water if you place pressure plates all around them.

266. Mobs do not spawn in mushroom biomes. They will spawn behind them.

267. If you’re about to die from fall damage you can occasionally get out of it by spamming your water bucket.

268. Always bring milk when exploring an “abandoned” mine shaft. You might get poisoned.

269. Food can be hard to find sometimes. So don’t waste any. Only eat it when you need it. It’s a waste to eat something that restores two when you only need one health.

270. Piglins run away from any soul lighting items, so you can decorate your space with those and get some sleep.

271. Hide your important loot in chests. Creepers can’t destroy chests, and other players can’t open them to steal your stuff.

272. If you can lure a creeper into the water before it explodes, it can’t do any environmental damage.

273. Floating sand cannot bear the weight of a player and will collapse. This makes it ideal for setting traps above lava or holes.

274. Wooden trap doors can be places next to windows to create the illusion of shutters.

275. Use an amethyst block and amethyst buds suspended from the ceiling to make a fancy chandelier.

276. If you have items you no longer need or would like to dispose of, you can throw them into a cactus.

277. If you place a tamed cat on a furnace, chest, or crafting table, other players will not be able to use it.

278. Animals can hide in the jungle leaves. If you can hear one but can’t see it, assume it’s there.

279. Lightning rods can be hung facing downwards and look like a rope. You can use this idea to make a swing.

280. Adding more water doesn’t increase the speed at which your wheat grows. So don’t go overboard with it.

281. You can create a smoke effect by stacking cobwebs above a chimney.

282. You can swim faster in enclosed water than you can in an open body.

283. Your home should always have a furnace, a bed, a crafting table, and a chest. This ensures the basic capabilities you need to play the game.

284. If you use fortune on potatoes they will give you more health when you eat them than bread.

285. The ender dragon’s weak spot is its head. It will take the most damage if you smack it there.

286. Using a bucket of lava to fuel your furnace will provide eight times more burning time than a blaze rod.

287. You can jump over four blocks of distance by sprinting before you jump. Make sure to jump at the last possible second or you’ll only clear three blocks.

288. It makes more sense to build a diamond pickaxe before you build a diamond sword. This is because you need the pickaxe to mine obsidian.

289.  Feed your crops with bone meal to accelerate their growth. This acceleration is random, though.

290. Make sure you have windows so you can see mobs outside, and don’t go out if they’re there.

291. Firing an arrow through lava makes it become a flaming arrow.

292. Throwing an ender pearl in the air, and another parallel to the ground creates a fascinating magic trick.

293. Hostile mobs begin to spawn when the light level is seven or below. Run to safety when it gets dark or prepare to fight.

294. Dropping a dirt block underground makes it more likely to grow grass.

295. You can use water to swim up the side of a cliff. Drop water, swim up, and repeat.

296. Many players prefer to dig in a slope pattern. This allows you to discover the most stuff while also remaining safe.

297. Annoyed with cobwebs? Try to always carry some shears with you. They are the most effective tool to remove webs.

298. Mobs hate light, and can’t spawn within seven blocks of a torch. Make sure to line an escape tunnel with lots of light.

299. When fighting skeletons, it’s better to use your bow than a sword. Sword won’t do much.

300. Use red terracotta or netherrack blocks in a kitchen or butcher’s shop to really give off the meat vibe.

301. If you feel compelled to take over a villager’s house, the librarian’s house is a good choice. It comes with bookcases. Net gain.

302. When looking to place blocks beside a torch, just hover over the torch and the grid will appear when you’re in the right spot.

303. Since an enderman can’t cross water, make sure to surround your house with a moat. Plus, then you can call your house a castle.

304. Your sword is a great weapon for fighting zombies and cave spiders. Forget the bow. Save that for creepers.

305. Bring a trap door with you when you’re mining clay in the ocean. If you need to, you can drop it and create an air pocket.

306. Bees that sting lose their stinger and die, so don’t aggravate the bees or they won’t be able to pollinate your crops.

307. While it might seem like you’re desperately in need of coal right now, don’t waste your fortune enchantment on it. You will find enough, I promise.

308. Beehives can be crafted using three honeycombs and six planks.

309. If you change settings to “open to LAN” you can enable cheats and restore items you may lose if you die.

310. Bees can pollinate any flower. Pollinated bees will speed up crop growth when they fly over them.

311. If you build ladders quickly at the bottom of a quick drop to avoid fall damage.

312. Water is more dangerous in the Nether because you can die even if there’s only one block of depth.

313. Always carry a bed with you when travelling away from home so that you can update your spawn point and ensure you’re close to all your items.

314. Always check behind paintings. You could find hidden rooms, treasure, or nothing at all. But it’s worth the look.

315. You can’t drown in lava if you swim in it while wearing a fire resistance potion.

316. Sometimes it’s not possible to escape a creeper. Then your only option is to try and block the explosion by putting blocks between you and it.

317. Use glass bottles if you’d like to harvest honey bottles.

318. If you’d like to create a smoky or foggy window effect, you can layer two pieces of colored glass to achieve the effect.

319. If you’d like to build blocks on top of a torch, you need to first make a wall-mounted torch. Then you can build on top of it.

320. Torches can hold an endless amount of weight, so you can stack as many non-dirt blocks on top as you please.

321. Water can be used to safely travel down a cliff or down from the sky.

322. The best way to kill a ghast is to use your bow and shoot it in the tentacles.

323. Hostile mobs normally don’t stand on carpet because they don’t recognize it, so you can build yourself a safety zone.

324. If you don’t have a home in the area you’re playing in and need somewhere to sleep, you can dig a hole into a dirt hill. It’s not a perfect solution, but it will give you the best chance for survival.

325. Lapis lazuli can be mined with just a stone pickaxe.

326. If you raise the hostile mob volume all the way you will be able to hear creepers sneaking up on you.

327. Sipping fire potions give you endless swimming time in the nether. As long as you keep sipping, you can keep swimming.

328. You can’t make nether fences connect to regular fences. You can use them for cool-looking fences, though.

329. Melons are very common and are a good food source. Collect them when you find them.

330. Compressed ice is very similar to ice, but it won’t melt.

331. Honeycombs can turn into honeycomb blocks while have no real purpose but they look cool.

332. Placing signs on top of signs creates a maze for mobs which they struggle to travel through.

333. If you use map torches, put them all on the same side of the wall to easily find your exit.

334. If you build a mob farm next to a wheat field or fishing pond, you won’t be bored while you wait around for your mob to breed.

335. If you dislike the sound of rain in the game, you can open video settings. Turning particles to minimal will stop the sound.

336. Oak saplings can be grown in blocks neck to one another, but jungle, birch, and spruce need at least one block of space between them to grow.

337. If you’re on your way to fight the ender dragon, you should bring a pumpkin with you.

338. If you’re working on your mob farm you can use regen beacons. You can’t sprint, but you shouldn’t need to.

339. Adding wooden buttons to furniture or brown buildings can help add depth and detail.

340. The game is naturally set to a moody setting, you can change it to bright to make darker areas easier to see in.

341. Mix in different types of blocks when planting a garden to give it a more natural effect.

342. By building your base underground you’ll be much safer from mobs like creepers.

343. If you shift-click an item that is in your chest, it will automatically drop into your inventory.

344. The nether is home to a large amount of quartz.

345. If you’re fighting with a wither, try to do it in a smaller area. This ensures it can’t escape, and you’ll know the danger is gone.

346. Falling into lava will do you no harm if you carry a water bucket and dump it when you fall in.

347. Hostile mobs can’t spawn on leaves, which makes the jungle a fairly safe place to hide at night.

348. Blazes should be kept in your XP farm as they drop twice as much XP as most other mobs.

349. Standing behind a chest or a sign also hides your name from other players. You don’t need to crouch to hide behind these items.

350. Avoid using low level pickaxes on upper level ores, you will not be successful.

351. If you break an ice block that has a solid block underneath it, the block will melt and turn to water.

352. Sugar cane farms are important to craft sugar and paper, important components of more advanced foods and potions.

353. You can harvest a nine-by-nine plot of land easily by dumping a bucket of water in the middle.

354. Use a saddle and a warped fungus on a stick to get a strider to carry you across lava.

355. If you break a mob spawner, be certain that you don’t want to turn it into a mob farm. Once it’s done you can’t go back.

356. You can trap a snow golem on top of a block and smack it for unlimited snow.

357. Drinking a fire resistance potion is the best way to collect blaze rods.

358. If you eat a spider eye then it’ll restart your health regen. You’ll take less damage this way.

359. Use the up and down arrows to change the text line when editing a sign.

360. You can create a secret room by lining a hole with signs and covering it with a painting.

361. If you come across diamonds, don’t mine them all. Stop at four blocks. Then get your pickaxe enchanted with fortune and come back to the remaining diamonds.

362. Hanging a cauldron over a small box of water will make it look like there is a bucket dropping into a well.

363. Bees are not aggressive unless you hit them, in which case they will swarm you, sting you, and cause you to take damage from poison.

364. You can build a quick drop to jump down a cliff with water and a sign on top.

365. If you’re storing items in chests, color code them so you can keep track of your inventory.

366. Don’t worry about dying from poison. Your heath will tick down to the bottom but you won’t actually die. Just make sure to heal before you get hit again.

367. Daylight sensors always work even if they get covered up.

368. Be careful with sand and gravel, it will smash if it lands on things like rails, torches, flowers, etc.

369. Lava dropping from higher up will not mix with a waterfall.

370. Only use dirt to build a shelter if it’s going to be temporary.

371. Dropping buttons near stone formations makes it looks like there are small rocks or pebbles.

372. If your boat crashes, it wont shatter apart if you crash it on soul sand.

373. Use a transparent block to place a torch over top a furnace or crafting table.

374. If you start having multiple bases, try to stock them with as many materials as possible to ensure you can always continue in the game.

375. Four honey bottles can be crafted into a honey block. Honey blocks reduce jump height, don’t allow you to sprint, move entities and items, and will not stick to slime blocks.

376. Amethyst blocks and a large amethyst bud on top make a gift box.

377. You can block ranged skeleton damage with your sword. It’s like a shield, but sharp and pointy.

378. While riding a pig you can travel through a one block space, but you will suffer some damage from it.

379. If you have a pumpkin on your head and can’t see, you can hit F5 which switches your view to third person.

380. Placing colored banners next to a window gives the appearance of curtains.

381. Craft loadstones and compasses to avoid getting lost in the nether. The compass will always point back to the loadstone it came from.

382. Try to be precise when you’re fighting mobs, this saves the durability on your weapons.

383. Upon death your items will vanish within five minutes. This is why you should never bring valuables with you when you go exploring too far.

384. Ensure that a creature never vanishes or de-spawns by putting a nametag on it.

385. Spam all of your items if you find yourself drowning. You might be able to create an air pocket.

386. Mobs like ocelots and iron golems do not take fall damage. Don’t try to defeat them by pushing them off a cliff.

387. You can create a mini pillar by placing string onto a cobblestone wall. Create a fancy animal pen this way.

388. Create a post with a flowerpot on top and then surround it with four beds to create a beach umbrella.

389. If you manage to kill the ender dragon, you can turn the end zone into an obsidian farm.

390. While falling down a cliff you can try to put a ladder or vines on the wall to try and save your life.

391. It’s generally best to dig at an angle rather than straight down. If you dig straight down then you might fall into a cavern full of lava.

392. Eating rotten flesh will give you food points. Just pretend you’re a zombie. Braaaains!

393. If the game is getting too hostile and you fear you might die you can switch back to peaceful mode. Some players consider this cheating but it’s just a different way to play.

394. Regular spiders will not be able to come through a one block hole. Cave spiders can fit through the small space, though.

395. Use a sword to break a melon or cactus. Use an axe to break a pumpkin. It’s faster this way.

396. Place a campfire below a bee’s nest or beehive before you harvest it to make sure the bees don’t get angry.

397. Lava buckets will also cook eight times as many items as a blaze rod can.

398. If you want to farm animals, you should also be farming crops that can feed them.

399. When jumping normally, you can only leap two blocks away. Or one block up and one block away.

400. Putting carpet overtop of a fence ensures that mobs will not be able to climb over it.


172 Super Gross Would You Rather Questions


301 Things to do When It’s Raining