172 Super Gross Would You Rather Questions

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1. Would you rather drink milk from a goat’s udder, or let a spider crawl around your mouth for a minute?

2. Would you rather all your hair turned green and smelled like barf, or a mad scientist glued a third arm to your back?

3. Would you rather your teacher a was a horse with ten eyes, or a giant snake that hissed in your ear all day?

4. Would you rather your favorite restaurant only served expired food, or your favorite sports team flung poop in the stands whenever they scored?

5. Would you rather have thick veins all over your body, or a giant brain that made your head look like a beachball?

6. Would you rather Santa Claus had onion breath and all his gifts smelled like garlic, or the Easter Bunny left moldy potatoes instead of chocolate?

7. Would you rather always wear a sweaty shirt, or sweaty socks?

8. Would you rather have to eat rotten fruit for breakfast every morning, or drink expired milk?

9. Would you rather your shoes were always too big, or always wet?

10.  Would you rather have one tiny arm, or one tiny foot?

11. Would you rather always dream about spiders, or monkeys with rabies?

12. Would you rather zombie hands grab you in the night, or your pet said creepy things in the night?

13. Would you rather clean dirty bathrooms at the world’s biggest music festival, or at a truck stop that hasn’t been cleaned in 50 years?

14. Would you rather your pet could walk on the ceiling, or your sibling could?

15. Would you rather it rained every day, or it was so cold you couldn’t be outside for more than 10 minutes?

16. Would you rather you could only pay for things with greasy coins, or dead bugs?

17. Would you rather have to sleep in a swamp every night, or under a staircase that smelled like pee?

18. Would you rather be visited by a ghost every night, or an alien that won’t stop farting?

19. Would you rather ice cream tasted like grass, or cookies tasted like toenails?

20. Would you rather drop a carton of rotten milk on the floor, of a giant jug of hot sauce? (It spells everywhere.)

21. Would you rather have huge feet covered in fur, or your feet always smelled super gross?

22. Would you rather spiders crawled out of everything you cut with a knife, or centipedes lived in your nightstand?

23. Would you rather eat an entire block of blue cheese, or drink water from a rain puddle?

24. Would you rather your house smelled like farts, or burned food?

25. Would you rather fart every time you smiled, or barf once an hour?

26. Would you rather sidewalks were covered with ants, or caterpillars?

27. Would you rather have to swallow a goldfish before bed, or lick a rat?

28. Would you rather drink toilet water, or bounce on a trampoline made of moldy fruit?

29. Would you rather milk comes out of your nose when you sneeze, or brains?

30. Would you rather eat a handful of wasps, or a wet dog fur?

31. Would you rather have a bucket of slime poured on your head before school, or a bucket of old milk?

32. Would you rather not be able to use toilet paper, or cutlery?

33. Would you rather have to use sandpaper to blow your nose, or plastic wrap?

34. Would you rather your lips were always dry, or hands were?

35. Would you rather find a clump of fingernails in your food, or a tooth?

36.  Would you rather always get blisters on your feet, or on your arms?

37. Would you rather brush your teeth with lemon juice, or liquified Sour Patch Kids?

38. Would you rather moths shoot from you mouth with you cough, or birds came out of your butt when you farted?

39. Would you rather barf in front of the entire class, or trip and fall in a mud puddle on your birthday?

40. Would you rather pull out a hair from your arm and discover it’s a wire, or find a microchip buried in your foot?

41. Would you rather your ears were always full of wax, or your mouth was?

42. Would you rather never be able to use soap again, or wear clean clothes?

43. Would you rather your bedroom smelled like a circus, or a barn?

44. Would you rather your fingernails were pulled off by baboons, or your hair was pulled out by a giant spider?

45. Have to use the same towel for the rest of your wife and you can never wash it, or the same Kleenex?

46. Would you rather brush your teeth with someone else’s toothbrush, or wear their dirty underwear?

47. Would you rather your skin was covered in reptile scales, or was see-through?

48. Would you rather be as fat as an elephant, or as tall as giraffe?

49. Would you rather have to eat beets instead of apples, or broccoli instead of oranges?

50. Would you rather be transformed into a snake, or a JELL-O monster?

51. Would you rather everything you ate made you gain 10 pounds, or touching water made you melt?

52. Would you rather your armpits smelled like a garbage truck, or your shirts smelled like a dirty diaper?

53. Would you rather vegetables came to life when you tried to eat them, or meat could talk and said things like, “Don’t eat meeeeeeeeee.”

54. Would you rather hang upside when you sleep like a bat, or sleep in a coffin like a vampire?

55. Would you rather your bathroom smelled like a stinky ocean, or the greasiest part of a McDonald’s?

56. Would you rather have to live in a pig pen, or a monkey cage?

57. Would you rather your socks were slimy, or your hair was?

58. Would you rather your fingernails grew at 100x normal speed, or your eyebrows did?

59. Would you rather a giant tarantula was the mayor of your city, or a giant cobra was?

60. Would you rather have to watch your parents kiss every morning for 5 minutes, or you have to kiss a frog 50 times before you get out of bed?

61. Would you rather all your hair fell out and you never grew any more, or you sounded like a 150-year-old person when you spoke?

62. Would you rather have a second head but it’s a koala bear, or have four arms, but they’re spider arms?

63. Would you rather be known as The Blob, or The Stinkasaurus?

64. Would you rather live in a tank with an octopus, or live in a smelly hamster cage?

65. Would you rather drop your phone in a sewer, or a toilet after a giant has just finished going number 2?

66. Would you rather all your dreams smelled like rotten eggs, or have a rotten tomato thrown at you every morning right as you woke up?

67. Would you rather do a belly flop into a pool of moldy cheese juice, or into a lake filled with dead fish?

68. Would you rather do your homework in a sewer, or in a hot-air balloon with ten dead bodies?

69. Would you rather always fart during the most important part of a movie, or whenever someone kisses?

70. Would you rather have sweaty palms all the time, or bad breath?

71. Would you rather drink a stranger’s blood, or throw up on stage at your graduation?

72. Would you rather drink your own tuna juice, or French fry grease?

73. Would you rather have ten extra fingers, or three eyeballs?

74. Would you rather have a piece of human hair in everything you eat, or have cat hair cover your clothes all the time?

75. Would you rather eat a pair of jeans, or a sleeping bag?

76. Would you rather have your morning alarm clock be the sound of someone vomiting, or screaming?

77. Would you rather pull off your fingernail, or pull out one of your teeth?

78. Would you rather bite off your tongue, or lose a leg?

79. Would you rather bathe in a tub of snakes, or crickets?

80. Would you rather drink sewer water, or eat cow manure?

81. Would you rather get sneezed on by a stranger, or peed on by a dog?

82. Would you rather have a cut on your knuckle that never fully heals, or a foot fungus?

83. Would you rather smell farts, or spoiled milk every morning when you wake up?

84. Would you rather wake up in a soaking wet bed, or with a rat on your stomach?

85. Would you rather hear someone spit on the ground, or burp after they eat?

86. Would you rather watch someone eat grass, or maple leaves?

87. Would you rather watch someone pick their nose, or scratch their butt?

88. Would you rather swim in a pool with water snakes, or play tennis on a rat-infested court?

89. Would you rather your skin had the texture of tree bark, or concrete?

90. Would you rather watch someone get eaten by a T-Rex, or a tiger?

91. Would you rather always have bad B.O. or bad breath?

92. Would you rather taste earwax whenever you eat, or pee whenever you drink?

93. Would you rather listen to your best friend confess their undying love for your parent, or sibling?

94. Would you rather put your hand in a bucket and feel something slimy, or sharp?

95. Would you rather watch someone’s blood drip on the floor, or watch them vomit on your bed?

96. Would you rather smell like horse manure, or a dirty dishtowel?

97. Would you rather eat a bucket of live worms, or sand?

98. Would you rather hear someone’s bone break, or watch it happen?

99. Would you rather sleep in a dirty bed, or shower in dirty water forever?

100. Would you rather step in a deep puddle of mud on a hike, or eat a bug when you are running?

101. Would you rather roll down a hill covered in ticks, or sleep beside someone with head lice?

102. Would you rather pull a tick out of your stomach, or a worm out of your butt?

103. Would you rather break an ankle skiing, or break your nose snowboarding?

104. Would you rather lick a public doorknob, or the floor of the subway station?

105. Would you rather kiss a gross mountain yeti, or watch your parents kiss?

106. Would you rather chip your front tooth, or break your nose if you fell on a run in the forest?

107. Would you rather eat a bowl of pine needles, or a ladybug smoothie?

108. Would you rather breathe in someone’s cough, or hug a very sweaty person?

109. Would you rather listen to, but not watch, a video of your most embarrassing moment ever, or watch it but not hear the audio?

110. Would you rather stitch up a hole in your leg yourself, or pull out your own rotten tooth?

111. Would you rather eat a human bone, or human flesh?

112. Would you rather swallow a chunk of dog hair, or throw up in your mouth and keep it there for an hour?

113. Would you rather hike through a scorpion-infested desert, or sleep in a spider infested room?

114. Would you rather wake up with a spider in your mouth or drink a cup of a stranger’s saliva?

115. Would you rather bite off and eat your left-hand thumb, or your right-hand pointer finger?

116. Would you rather wear the same set of clothes for a week, or lick your phone to clean it every morning?

117. Would you rather go straight from the gym (drenched in sweat) to your bed, or to the office?

118. Would you rather lick the inside of a public toilet bowl, or eat a dirty tissue?

119. Would you rather not shower for a year, or poop in a bucket for a year?

120. Would you rather hear someone go to the bathroom while on the phone with you, or accidentally not mute yourself going to the bathroom on the phone?

121. Would you rather swallow someone else’s teeth plaque, or an ounce of their gums?

122. Would you rather never wipe away dried drool, or eye gunk from your face?

123. Would you rather look great but always smell bad, or look dirty but smell great?

124. Would you rather drink expired fruit juice, or eat moldy bread?

125. Would you rather eat a scab or burn your hair, on a candle?

126. Would you rather have dried, cracking lips, or sweaty, slimy, feet all the time?

127. Would you rather snort dead skin cells, or eat a tarantula?

128. Would you rather use one of your parent’s toothbrushes, or wear their underwear?

129. Would you rather have something stuck in your teeth for a week, or not wash your face for a week?

130. Would you rather give up soap, or shampoo for a year?

131. Would you rather give up your razer, or your nail clippers?

132. Would you rather never cut your hair, or only get four pieces of toilet paper every time you poop?

133. Would you rather drink from a water bottle that has been in the car all summer, or eat a piece of charcoal?

134. Would you rather eat a hamburger that’s been out in the sun for three days, or fries that have been left out for a week?

135. Would you rather use your friend’s earwax covered headphones, or their used towel after you shower?

136. Would you rather pee your pants, or vomit in your lap in class?

137. Would you rather share a deodorant stick with a stranger, or lick a public water fountain?

138. Would you rather cover your face in vegetable oil every night, or never moisturize again?

139. Would you rather sleep in the clothes you wore out in the world, or sleep in your own sweat throughout the night because it’s too hot?

140. Would you rather eat an entire wineglass, or evergreen tree?

141. Would you rather listen to someone slurp their drink or watch them chew with their mouth open?

142. Would you rather eat cardboard from a garbage can, or an apple core from the compost?

143. Would you rather have to clean up dog poop all day, or clean a cat’s litter box all day?

144. Would you rather drink squid juice, or eat bird feathers?

145. Would you rather your pillow was made of human fat, or your blanket was made of human skin?

146. Would you rather be super sick for a month, or eat a bowl of toe-nail clippings?

147. Would you rather kiss a giant’s armpit 20 times, or pick their nose?

148. Would you rather wrestle with a giant spider, or a giant worm?

149. Would you rather have to drink tomato soup instead of water for the rest of your life, or pure lime juice?

150. Would you rather eat hay for breakfast, or dog food?

151. Would you rather your best friend was a creepy puppet, or a slime that smelled like toxic Mexican food?

152. Would you rather your dog exploded every hour and put himself back together again, or your cat could talk but always said annoying things?

153. Would you rather eat a suitcase full of human hair, or a lunch bag full of cat poop?

154. Would you rather wash your face with barf, or brush your hair with a rotting zombie hand?

155. Would you rather it rained barf every day, or every time someone used a toilet it overflowed?

156. Would you rather juggle rotten eggs, or pineapples that have turned grey and moldy?

157. Would you rather be a blood donor for a vampire, or a foot donor for a werewolf?

158. Would you rather live in a cardboard box in the middle of the highway, or in a trash can on top of a telephone pole?

159. Would you rather be sucked into a vomit tornado, or spend a week living in a cow’s stomach?

160. Would you rather all the meat you ate was 20 days past expiry, or all your vegetables were?

161. Would you rather the floor was always cold, or the walls were always dripping with slime

162. Would you rather find a mouse in your hamburger, or a human toe?

163. Would you rather find a zombie in your freezer, or a dead rat?

164. Would you rather drink a glass of sewage, or get peed on by 20 elephants?

165. Would you rather eat your worst enemy’s toenail, or have to wear their stinky socks for a week?

166. Would you rather a homeless clown sneezed in your face, or pooped in your bed?

167. Would you rather have to chew on a dead tarantula for 10 minutes, or a dead rat?

168. Would you rather eat 10 jars of mayonnaise, or 500 gooey tomatoes?

169. Would you rather drink tea brewed in the rotting stomach of a horse, or eat sushi made with 50-day-old salmon?

170. Would you rather lick a frozen metal pole covered in vomit, or cat pee?

171. Would you rather hand-soap smelled like dog barf, or horse poop?

172. Would you rather every time you cracked an egg there was a baby chicken inside of it, or a human finger?


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