300 Date Ideas - Fun Activities so You Don’t Get Bored, Break Up, and Die Alone

Dating is easy. Here’s how to do it:

1. Find a fun date you want to go on.

2. Try to get the other person to pay for the expensive ones.

3. Live happily ever after.

To that end, here is a list of 300 fun ideas for going on a date.

This list has been divided into three sections.

#1 to #142 are cheap dates for students or people who lost their job due to some bullshit.

#143 to #234 are your standard dates. These will cost a bit of money, but not so much that’ll you choke on your ice water when the bill comes.

#235 to #300 are the expensive dates. Skip to these if you have a decent job and you’re trying to date someone out of your league.

Good luck finding true love, or at least a top-shelf summer fling.

142 Cheap Dates

1. Visit a community or college pool. Play some water games.  You’ll answer two important questions: Can your partner swim, and are they a witch?

2. Go out to see a random movie you both know nothing about. If you hate it, it’ll be a funny story.

3. Create a surprise road trip to a secluded location to watch the sunset.

4. Have a picnic in the park with your favorite homemade foods.

5. Pick a random album to listen to the whole way through. Then discuss your favorites and why. Don’t accuse the other person of being a hipster unless they deserve it.

6. Pick a book to read and make your own mini book club. Find discussion questions online or make up your own. Pick a light topic, but with some big words. This way if they finish it you’ll know they aren’t a troglodyte.

7. Go bowling at your local bowling alley in retro 90’s gear. Lots of places have this thing called “Rock ‘n’ Bowl” on certain nights. They play music and switch the lights to disco. Super fun.

8. Go to a coffee shop. Ask the barista to surprise you. Try each other’s drinks and start a rating system.

9. Make a fort with your dining room tables, pillows, blankets, and a code word to enter. Forts are great for movies, games, and R-rated activities.

10. Create a mini spa in your living room and give each other massages. Nothing says romance like a back rub. Don’t forget to work the neck. They probably have a crap pillow and that’s what’s causing all their headaches.

11. Go to the beach and lie in the sun together all day. Bring piña coladas.

12. Make a playlist for each other to listen to.  See if you have any tastes in common. If you get married you’ll be spending the next 40 years listening to this stuff. If their music sucks then you should attempt to reeducate them with a basic lobotomy. (Probably safe.)

13. Read each other dad jokes with a straight face until one of you cracks. Loser must do the winner a favor. Get creative, wink wink.

14. Play a drinking game for your favorite movie. If you don’t have a favorite movie then maybe you should reconsider your life choices.

15. Sneak into a university lecture hall and attend a class. Try to learn a thing or two. Worst case you might meet someone smart, attractive, and who can afford to attend an expensive school. Try to get their number while your date is in the bathroom.

16. Find another couple to play euchre with. Keep a running score. Maybe reset the tally if one couple takes the other to the woodshed too often.

17. A silent dinner where you can only communicate with grunts and gestures. You know, like cavemen.

18. Create a blanket fort in your basement. Light candles, put on a movie. Bam. Pinterest vision.

19. Pretend you’re Olympic gymnasts. Put together your best floor routine of cartwheels and dancing. Give each other scores.

20. Go to a bar and use a fake accent the whole night. See how many people you can convince you’re from another country. Run away if they ask to see ID.

21. Go out for dinner. For the entire meal you can only speak to each other in lies. First person to get a weird look from a stranger is the winner.

22. Make your own podcast miniseries. Interview each other and learn new facts. Try to ask funny questions like they do on Between Two Ferns.

23. Do your best sketch of each other. Rock paper scissors to decide which one of you must turn the sketch into their profile picture for a day.

24. Put a blanket on the grass and watch the clouds. Compare them to people you know.

25. Have your own bake-off. Put on a timer and see what you can come up with in an hour. Do a blind taste test with family members.

26. Go into separate rooms and create a rap verse about each other. Then do a rap battle. Record it and upload to social media. Whoever gets the most shares/likes is the winner (sort of.)

27. Build and decorate gingerbread houses. Get a third party to vote on your favorite. (No mothers.)

28. Build a bridge out of popsicles and craft glue. Or maybe tape. It doesn’t matter as long as you both use the same adhesive. But don’t just make a giant duct-tape bridge. That’s cheating. Once complete, pile books onto the bridge until it breaks. That’s your score. Highest score wins.

29. Find some young cousins/siblings and play Shark Tank with them. The kids are the venture capitalists. You and your partner pitch them business ideas. Maybe try to start one.

30. Go through your first texts to one another and laugh at how much has changed. Early photos are fun too.

31. Invent your own card game with weird, unexpected rules such as coughing after every turn. Google Calvin Ball. It’s like that, but with cards.

32. Find a crossword puzzle with clues you both may know. Try to finish it.

33. Make each other Christmas ornaments with photos of yourselves inside. It’s not vain if it’s for each other. Plus they get funnier each year.

34. Learn a couple’s dance from a music video that you can perform when the song comes on. It’s like Just Dance except nobody sees it’s coming.

35. Watch sad/happy videos. The first person to show any emotion on their face loses the game.

36. Go ice skating in a rink or on a frozen lake. Just don’t trust any old guys who say it’s safe. One of them drowns every year.

37. Give each other a plant. Compete to see who can keep theirs alive the longest. (Hint: Don’t overwater it.)

38. Go to a karaoke night and serenade each other with your favorite song. Whoever gets the most cheers from the crowd gets a free drink.

39. Make your own tea with leaves and herbs you find outside. Please don’t poison yourself. If you do poison yourself don’t tell anyone you got the idea from this book. That’s just bad for both us. There’s no reason to turn a disaster into a calamity. You’ll be fine.

40. Pick a podcast and listen to it together. Pause it and join in as if you’re a featured guest. One of you can pretend to call in as a viewer.

41. Build a path for a ping pong ball to go on a journey through your house and land in a cup.

42. Do each other’s nails. With tape and precision, you can have nail art. It’s fun and masculine. I swear on my grandfather’s tomb.

43. Make your best origami swan. See how long it can sit in a bathtub before drowning. Whoever’s swan lasts the longest gets to pick your next date.

44. Go for a long walk with your pet (if you have one.) You can get leashes for anything. Even birds.

45. Go to the shelter and sign up to foster a kitten for a couple of weeks. Adorable and rewarding.

46. Do a couple’s photoshoot in the mud. Non-traditional and hilarious. When you’re clean, go to Costco and turn it into a calendar for cheap. Give it to a family you like but don’t love.

47. Get an old piece of furniture and refurnish it back to life. Maybe you can turn this into a business. Who knows? Stranger things have happened.

48. Get a Rubik’s cube. See who can finish first. They win a foot massage. Or at least the pride of having finished a Rubik’s cube. Most people haven’t. I haven’t. It’s not because I’m lazy. It’s because I’m stupid.

49. Have a lip-sync battle in your own living room. Put on costumes and belt out your favorite song. If you get a noise complaint then you probably deserved it and should apologize.

50. Post a lovey-dovey status update on each other’s social media. Whoever takes it down first loses.

51. Spend an evening watching your favorite old sitcom. For extra fun, play its drinking game as well.

52. Go thrift shopping together and buy something you think your partner would like you in. Set a spending limit so someone doesn’t go overboard.

53. Play the oldest videogame you own together all night. Nostalgia is the best medicine. It’s almost as good as booze.

54. Make a couple’s YouTube account and post videos of you interviewing each other. Or maybe stuffed animals. It doesn’t matter. As long as you both look stupid together.

55. Play twenty questions and find out everything you’ve been dying to ask. (This might lead to break ups, and/or drinks thrown in the face.)

56. Pay Never Have I Ever with ten fingers up. Do one of the things you both haven’t done.

57. Do each other’s hair in a style they don’t normally wear it. Then, go to a public place with lots of people and have a pretend argument. The trashier the better. “How could you sleep with my sister?” “You slept with my father!”

58. Have a yodeling contest and see who can project the loudest.

59. Play the Wikipedia game and see who can find the word the fastest. Bonus points if you land on a page that has Kevin Bacon on it.

60. Write each other a poem about your love. Read them out loud to each other while pretending to be actors from the Elizabethan era and you’re performing a Shakespeare play.

61. Make each other a word search online with words you’d use to describe your partner.

62. Get a yoyo and have a contest to see who can do tricks. (Warning: Yoyos do more damage than Wii remotes.)

63. Watch a movie together and talk over it as if you were the directors or screenwriters. Explain to the audience your thought process behind certain scenes, and all the neat things that happened during production.

64. Join a recreational baseball team. Playing sports together can be very rewarding. Plus you’ll get a good idea of their physical fitness, which is important if you’re ever in a zombie apocalypse or lost in the jungle. (Two great dates btw. Those are freebies.)

65. Go to a local gym and play a game of H.O.R.S.E. Get another couple to come with you and try to beat them.

66. Go birdwatching. Whoever spots the rarest bird wins an all-expenses paid trip to Starbucks. Loser has to tell the barista their name is Big Bird.

67. Start a vegetable garden. Grow a wide variety of things because most of it probably won’t turn out. Especially if it’s the middle of winter.

68. Rent bikes and take a tour through your city. Sweat it out and act like a tourist. Talk in an accent so the locals will tell you where the cool stuff is.

69. Take a nap in a hammock. Throw on some relaxing music and watch the clouds, and your life fly by.

70. Go for an evening drive. Back in the day, Sunday drives were an exciting adventure. Bring them back.

71. Visit a local community garden and smell the flowers. Pick a scent that describes your relationship.

72. Practice throwing a frisbee back and forth in the yard. Involve a dog because dogs are great.

73. Set up a frisbee golf course outside and compete against each other. If it’s winter, do it anyway. Mix in some snowballs. Try not to die of frostbite. Or least don’t lose any fingers. You need those to order more books.

74. Go foraging in the woods for berries, mushrooms, and nuts. See if you can find edible goodies. Consult a field guide before eating.

75. Start a herb garden in your house. Grab those neat lights that simulate the power of the sun. Herbs have many health benefits and taste better when they’re fresh. For the most part anyway. Oregano is a weirdo.

76. Find a nice selection of walls covered in graffiti. Try to determine the meaning behind the paintings. Analyze them as though you were art critics taking a tour of a major exhibit.

77. Play hacky-sack. You’ll be surprised at how much fun it is. It also lets you get a good idea of how bad your partner’s hand-eye coordination is.

78. Go for a hike in some nearby mountains. Bring bear spray. Stay away from cubs, unless you have a lot of debt and are looking for unhealthy alternatives to bankruptcy.

79. Go on an evening jog with your partner. Don’t embarrass them if you have a lot more stamina. Encourage them to keep at it. Running is one of those things you get better at quickly the more you do it. Like juggling cats.

80. Pretend you’re interested in buying a car. Test drive a bunch of fancy ones together. Don’t crash any or the higher insurance payments will haunt you the rest of your life and you’ll die alone in a tiny apartment that smells like milk.

81. Parkour around the neighborhood. Nothing too crazy. Slide down some railings and try not to break anything.

82. Play a two-person game of Marco Polo. Either at a public pool or in your neighbor’s hot tub.

83. Go to a lake and have a dive off. See who’s most likely to make the Olympic team.

84. Buy a sand art kit and make sculptures to give each other. Make sure to post lots of photos on social media so people understand just how awesome you are with sand.

85. Go to a coffee shop and people watch. Try to figure out what their conversations are.

86. Go to a pond and find flat, circular stones. Try to skip them as many times as you can. Loser must drink swamp water. (Filter and purify it first.)

87. Go to the beach and make a sandcastle together. Before you leave, destroy them like Godzilla.

88. Fill up a bunch of water balloons. Throw them at targets. The farther the target, the more you score. Splash yourself your score resets to zero.

89. Go to a craft store and get supplies to make Christmas cards for each other. Make some for your mother and grandmother too. They’d like that.

90. Do online Buzzfeed quizzes to see which Disney princess, animal, or body part you’re meant to be. I am Jack’s medulla oblongata.

91. Go to your local shelter and play with the kittens and the puppies. It’s tough work but someone has to do it.

92. Go through your old clothes together and decide what ones you should donate. Then, replace them with cool new clothes.

93. Go to a vintage car show and pretend you know what you’re talking about. Try to sell each other a car. Make up some features the car might have had back in the fifties or sixties.

94. Find flowers to collect and press into a scrap book together. It’s not lame it’s a whole new thing.

95. Hunt for fossils outside with a shovel and brush. Most cities have suggestions on where to find local fossils. Like a retirement home.

96. Make magnets with your couple photos on them and put them in a box. Make a magnet fishing rod and fish for love. Have some duds that if you fish them up you have to do a chore.

97. Go to the beach and collect stones together. Turn your favorites into necklaces. Sell them to a billionaire.

98. Buy a jewelry-making kit and craft each other love bracelets and/or necklaces. Try to make them classy enough to wear to a nice event.

99. Go to a badminton night at a gym and play with others. Maybe meet a potential replacement date. (Just kidding.)

100. Go to a euchre tournament with your partner and beat everyone. (At the game. Not with bats. That’s a different type of date.)

101. Go to a bar and play pool all evening while sipping IPAs. See if you can land some trick shots and impress your date.

102. Learn cheer off chants and shout them at each other. Add dance moves if you’re ready.

103. Create your own chess tournament for two. Get a glass of wine and go two out of three.

104. Go to a bar and play a game of darts. It’s surprisingly addictive. The only thing stupid about darts is the scoring system. You should ignore it. Count upwards and start a trend.

105.  Find a bar with a foosball table and organize a mini tournament with the other people in the bar. Hand out a prize that commemorates your date.

106. Join a recreational league and play volleyball together for a group date with friends. Hopefully no-one breaks up before the season is finished. Not only will it be awkward, but you might end up losing.

107. Go to a beach and practice your volleyball moves. Pass, pass, set, hit. Back-and-forth.  This will prepare you for the volleyball league that you joined in the last idea. (Right???)

108. Learn a breakdancing move together you can break out when you’re pushed into a dance circle. Might land you some free drinks if you can impress the crowd.

109. Borrow your friend’s dog to go on a romantic walk together. Unethical side business: Lose the dog, then “find it” when your friend puts up a reward. They did this in Seven Psychopaths and it worked great until everybody died.

110. Make an obstacle course to race through. See who can get a better time, and also who sucks at running while having to think.

111. Plan your training for a marathon together. It starts with day one. You can’t build a wall without laying the first brick, blah blah blah. You get it.

112. Buy a fish to share as a pet. If it lasts more than a year then your relationship is blessed by the gods.

113. Put down yoga mats. Sit beside each other and meditate for an hour. Embrace the silence. First person to talk has to clean up.

114. Go to an airport and watch the planes go by. Watching them up close can be thrilling. (So is getting arrested by security for flying a drone.)

115. Go bus spotting. Try to find all the buses by a manufacturer. Take pictures with them. This is more fun than it sounds. And also cheap. What were you expecting from the cheap section? Free trips to Cabo? No.

116. Go to the beach and bury one of you in sand. Once they’re buried you can ask them awkward questions and they’ll have to answer, or you can pour water on their heads. This isn’t waterboarding, it’s love.

117. Get a disposable camera and take pictures all evening. Put them up around your home.

118. Go to a farmer’s market and check out the food. Buying local helps everyone except the farmers in another country but to hell with those guys. Home team, home team!

119. Make a baby campfire in the backyard. Roast marshmallows, hotdogs, and friends you don’t like. (Make sure there isn’t a fire ban, or you might end up on the news as “The moron who burned down California.”)

120. Watch Star Wars from the original trilogy to present day. Turn it into a drinking game.

121. Watch a foreign movie and try to figure out what’s going on. Then next year (if you’re still together) watch it with subtitles and see who was right.

122. Find a local trivia night and join another team. Most teams would be glad to have you, even if you’re young. Young people know stuff about memes, influencers, twerking, and junk like that. In the end, all that matters is you spend $30 on beer to win a $10 gift card. You’d be stupid not to do it.

123. Attend a poetry reading. Get in tune with your soul and ask it for some nuggets of wisdom to drag you out of this rut you’ve been in since January.

124. Organize a scavenger hunt for each other. The only rules are if you end up in jail you are the loser and snitches get stitches.

125. Do homework or work together. Fun, peaceful, and productive. Your parents won’t believe for a second that’s what you’re doing, but who cares. That’s none of their business. One day they’ll be begging you for grandchildren.

126. Play hide and seek in your home. Just like you played as kids. Except this time if you find the other person within the time limit you get to do something fun to them.

127. Go on a food truck tasting tour. Review each one on social media. Maybe the owners will see it and send you free tacos. (A woman can dream, can’t she?)

128. Get some photobooth pictures taken at the local mall/movie theater. You can put them on your wall and cherish them for six months.

129. Go to a protest together. Sharing the same activist goals will bring you closer. Don’t do this if you’re in a foreign country. Unless you’ve always wanted to know what the word “deported” means.

130. Go through your old childhood photos. Show each other what your babies will look like.

131. Volunteer to clean up trash together. If it’s on a beach, it’s romantic, right?

132. Go to the library for a study date. While this is fun, it’s a bit unoriginal. Spice it up with water pistols and beer.

133. Take a personality quiz online and see if you’re compatible. If you are, great. If not, what do those things know anyway? Nothing. You guys are so cute together oh emm gee.

134. Get two coloring books and relaxingly color together. It will be a nice change of pace. You can get an adult coloring book with any theme you want. Unicorns? Politicians? People of Wal-Mart? Go nuts.

135. Play monopoly against each other. You may never speak again, but it’ll be worth it to see if your partner has a grasp on math and probability.

136. Browse pets online and see which one you’d like to buy together eventually. (Don’t buy a dog/cat until your relationship is serious. It’s not fair to the animal if you break up.)

137. Attend an open house together pretending to be potential buyers. Nothing like some quality home décor.

138. Clean your own house together. You’ll feel accomplished as heck by the end. Studies show people with a clean house are more productive.

139. Go to a friend’s party, but bring your own theme. Dress up and pretend you misunderstood the invitation.

140. Invent your own dish. Cook something without looking at recipe book and call it your own.

141. Play twister together. If you’re feeling naughty, strip twister. Make sure there aren’t any recording devices in the vicinity. Or the maybe the state.

142. Build a snowman together. Make it evil. Or a dragon. Or something funny. Use this as an opportunity to show your partner how creative you are. Everyone loves an artist unless they quit their job to pursue it. Then they’re jerks.

92 Standard Dates

1. Pick a type of food you want to try from every restaurant in town. Give each dish a rating. Shame the gross restaurants on social media.

2. Go to a spa and get a mani pedi together. Odds are, it’ll be the first time for one of you.

3. Go see a play in your hometown. Dress up like the characters, or maybe rich white people from the 1950s.

4. Pick funny outfits for each other to wear out on the town. The sillier, the better.

5. Go to the movies dressed as your favorite movie characters when the next installment comes out. Maybe you’ll score some free popcorn.

6. One person surprises with the dinner, and the other surprises with an activity after. Then, vice versa on the next date night.

7. Go to a pottery class and make each other a bowl or plant holder. Paint some cute things on the side. Like your anniversary date.

8. Go to a wine and painting class. Whoever’s painting is worse has to buy dinner. (Ask the server to judge.)

9. Go to your local fair and kiss at the top of the Ferris wheel, like you’re in a movie. (Maybe you are. Ever see The Truman Show?)

10. Go mini golfing. However much over par you are is how many kisses you owe your partner.

11. Go on a hike at 4AM to catch the sunrise on the summit of a mountain. Bring some cute things to exchange. Like maybe breakfast sandwiches.

12. Take a salsa dancing class together. Why do you think every Dancing with the Stars couple falls in love? Because it’s not the outfits.

13. Go to your favorite fast food joint and order an insane amount. Pigging out together is real love.

14. Go on a canoe trip for a couple of days. Rejoice in the wonders of nature. Bring some fishing rods and a tent and you can pretend the world is ending and you need to live off the wild.

15. Go thrift shopping and pick out outfits for each other. Wear them for the rest of the day or until a stranger comments on how ugly they are.

16. Recreate your first date. To wear the exact same outfits and hairstyles. (Get wigs if you have to.)

17. Dress up as tourists and walk around your city. Do the most stereotypical activities available.

18. Go to a couple’s yoga class. Practice your moves every night afterwards until you’re masters.

19. Go to a candle-making course and make your own scented candles. Later you can sell them to your grandma and recoup the cost of the date.

20. Buy fabric and make your own matching couples T-Shirts. Write your couple name on them (like Brangelina.)

21. Take a karate class and learn some self-defense. This way when your ex shows up drunk at a party you can bounce them without causing too much of a scene.

22. Get nerf guns and have a shoot off in your home. Acting like kids can release stress. It’s like the reverse of having kids.

23. Go to a laser-tag place and team up against the kids. Shoot your partner in the back a few times so they can get used to the feeling. You might need to tap into this later.

24. Buy a giant puzzle covered in your favorite animals and commit to finishing it in one night.

25. Get some yarn. Watch an online tutorial. Make your best baby blanket in an hour.

26. Buy soap and your favorite essential oils. Melt them down together and make new soap. You could also start your own fight club and go full Tyler Durden.

27. Go to a local stand-up comedy show. (Avoid the amateur nights like Tuesday/Wednesday. They’re cheaper but oh my god can they be terrible.

28. Go to the gym together and complete a couple’s workout. Ignore the haters.

29. Get a brewing kit and make your own beer/wine. It may take a while to be drinkable. Spend that time making a cool label for your product. The more pretentious the name, the funnier it is.

30. Buy a block of wood. Carve your partner’s favorite animal/pet/thing from the wood and gift it to them.

31. Buy a bar of soap. Carve it into the letter of your partner’s first name and use together in the shower like a pair of silly newlyweds.

32. Go to a hot yoga class together. Try not to pass out.

33. Take an archery lesson together. Learn how to be Robin Hood for a night. Archery will be useful when the zombies come and the bullets run out.

34. Find a beekeeping farm and learn stuff. Did you know honey lasts forever? The expiry date is when the honey will crystalize. You can turn it back to liquid by applying heat.

35. Go to an Amish community and shop for homemade goods. Amish people make best tables. Invest in the future by going back to the past.

36. Visit a nature museum with a butterfly exhibit. Take photos of your back covered in butterflies. It’s cheaper than a tattoo and won’t make you look like a hooker.

37. Rent a canoe and go on an evening canoe ride. You’re now the Little Mermaid.

38. Rent fishing rods and go fishing at the nearest pond. Make sure you learn how to release.

39. Organize a game of flag football with your friends. Establish dominance by taking the other couples to the woodshed. (Very important.)

40. Go ghost hunting in an old barn. Get paranormal detectors and pray you survive. Record any freak outs so you can put them on YouTube and make some beer money.

41. Go to an old canyon and dig for gold. Or at least fool’s gold.

42. Take a horseback riding lesson at your local stable. Even just trotting around is exciting.

43. Take a hunting lesson for small animals. (Squirrels, rabbits, etc.) Or, get an experienced hunter to take you. This isn’t barbaric, it’s survival training. THE ZOMBIES ARE COMING, PEOPLE.

44. Set up cans and use a pellet gun to have a target practice date.

45. Get a kite and fly it on a beach. “Let’s go, fly a kite!”

46. Dress up as your favorite characters and find an event for your LARP (live action role play.) This is a very fun activity. Take lots videos and post them on your social media. You won’t regret this, I promise.

47. Take a weird martial arts class like European broadsword fighting. The less practical it is, the more fun the date will be. Afterwards you can make fun of it over coffee/sex.

48. Find a metal detector and scour the beach for hidden pirate treasure. Make sure it isn’t cursed before you bring it home. Consult a witch.

49. Rent mountain bikes and go down a mountain trail. First one to finish gets to choose the next physical activity. (Hubba, hubba.)

50. Go to a rock-climbing gym and try indoor climbing. If you’re afraid of heights you can just go bouldering. (This is a great forearm workout.)

51. Rent roller skates and roll up and down the town. Be safe. The 1960s was a dangerous time.

52. Water gun fight. If you want to keep track of who gets shot the most, then wear some white clothes and put some food coloring in the water.

53. Go antiquing and see if anything catches your eye. Try to find something you both like, or could sell later for a massive profit.

54. Buy action figures to represent each other. Act out a funny conversation between them as a married couple.

55. Go to a bookstore and pick out books you think the other will enjoy.

56. Go to Build-a-Bear and make each other stuffed bears that represent one another.

57. Set up a target in your backyard and practice throwing knives/axes. Only attempt this while sober.

58. Buy a bunch of scratch tickets to see if you’ll win the lottery. Promise to split if you win.

59. Go to a trampoline gym and play trampoline dodgeball. Try not to break any parts of your leg. That waiver they make you sign is no joke. These places go out of business all the time due to insurance claims. Have funnnnn!

60. Take a baton twirling class and pretend you’re a twirl girl in the sixties.

61. Go to a museum. They’re not as boring as when you were a kid, I promise.

62. Go to a curling club and play recreationally. Join a team of seniors and try to outdrink them. (Not as easy as it sounds.)

63. Go to a chocolate factory and buy all your favorites. Say hi to Charlie.

64. Rent out an arena and play ice hockey together. Ask your friends to join for bigger teams.

65. Go to a local gym and rent squash rackets. Squash is great to learn because then when you meet people you can tell them all about how you’re a vegan with a rescue puppy and on the weekends you like to play squash.

66. Rent a pool and organize a group of friends to play some water games. Volleyball, water polo, etc. The larger the group the less awkward the date.

67. Go apple picking when they’re in season. Take a picture for Instagram while you’re at it. (Store your apples in the fridge and they’ll last longer.)

68. See a professional hockey game. Don’t cheap out on seats. The closer to the ice you are, the more fun it is.

69. Go to a flea market to find cheap, mass-produced goods. Just looking at the weird products will get a laugh.

70. Take a Zumba class. Swing your hips and get fit. This is good training for when you go on a trip down south together and compete in a dance contest to win a small bottle of rum.

71. Have a fondue night together. Get cheese for dinner and chocolate for dessert. Nothing says I love you like dunking carbs into melted fat.

72. Go beer tasting. Test out different places and see which local beer satisfy you. Most cities have a ton of breweries hidden around the area.

73. Go grocery shopping together. Dancing around the produce section is super romantic.

74. Crash a wedding together. Hard to pull off but super fun. Just make sure to you don’t spend too much time talking to one person or the jig is up.

75. Go to IKEA. Explore and play hide and seek. After, grab some cheap food and wine in the cafeteria. Wine and meatballs. Every girl’s dream.

76. Go to an aquarium and look at all the pretty fish. Find Nemo. You might need to travel for this, which will give you valuable intel on whether your date can procure a vehicle.

77. Make a picnic table together. Go to home depot, get lumber, and paint it pretty colors.

78. Go to a psychic and have her tell your fortune together. Will you break up or get married? The cards will reveal everything.

79. Pretend you’re strangers meeting for the first time in a bar. Nothing beats a first meet.

80. Attend an improv show. Be prepared to be pulled on stage at any moment. Just keep making shit up and you’ll do fine.

81. Go to a pumpkin patch together. Pick out your favorites for Halloween and snap some cute couple pics.

82. Go blueberry picking. It’s like strawberry picking but the berries are cheaper and tastier. They also make for a unique gift. “Here’s a giant of blueberries. Sorry I did that thing.”

83. Go to a board game bar and learn some new games. Buy them online and then have another date at home.

84. Go to a hookah bar and enjoy some flavored smoke and dim lighting. Just don’t inhale anything that smells like a skunk unless you’re not planning on going to work tomorrow.

85. Go to a dance club. Get shots and dance as sultry as you can. See if you can spark a dance off.

86. Attend a haunted house. You can hug when you’re scared. If no haunted houses are available at the moment, then make one yourself. It’s Halloween in February!

87. Visit a record store and find some old music you listened to as a child.

88. Attend a cheese tasting event. Go home with your favorites. Maybe avoid anything too stinky if you’re planning on making out later.

89. Rent paddleboards and go out on the water during sunset.

90. Go boogie boarding at the beach. Just like surfing, but easier.

91. Make your own pizza together from scratch. Or skip the dough hassle and buy a frozen ball. It’s not cheating, it’s efficient.

92. Go on a paddleboat ride. Relaxing, romantic, and easy to chat.

66 Expensive Dates

1. Rent a helicopter to see your local city from a bird’s eye. Don’t go if it’s foggy out. We already lost Kobe, we can’t lose you too.

2. Surprise them with a trip to a country state like Texas or Arkansas. Bring cowboy hats so fit in and look super cool.

3. Go to a casino dressed to the nines. Be prepared to lose all your money. Make a deal beforehand to split all the winnings. This makes the games a lot more fun. Especially slots.

4. Go to a theme park and get fast passes. Splurge to get into as many rides as you can.

5. Go to the zoo and look at your favorite animals. Some zoos let you pretend to adopt the animals by donating money. Give the animal your celebrity couple name.

6. Surprise your significant other with 30-minute shopping spree on Amazon. (Set a price limit.)

7. Go to a sports game for your favorite team. Get matching jerseys, hats, and giant beers. (The beers might cost more than the swag.)

8. Get concert tickets for your significant other’s favorite band. Dress up exactly like the performer.

9. Buy a random videogame neither of you plays. Whoever wins the first game gets $100.00.

10. Take your partner to your hometown for a classic date you would’ve gone on when you were a teenager. Even if it takes a plane ride.

11. Go on a wine tour in the closest vineyard. Bring home the most expensive reserve bottles they sell. Keep them in your wine rack to impress your guests/future dates.

12.  Go to a horse race and bet on your favorite. Wear big hats like you’re at the Kentucky Derby.

13. Make a mini statue of each other with a 3D printer. It’s cool and not weird. You could also do bobbleheads if you can’t find a 3D printer.

14. Pay an engineer to design you each a robot and send them into an arena for combat.

15. Design your own wine at a vineyard. Give it a fancy label and then sell it to family members. Tell them you’re raising money for something. (Don’t tell them it’s a trip to Jamaica.)

16. Go backpacking through a nearby state or country. Take a couple of days to explore.

17. Go hang-gliding over the countryside. Find a good instructor you trust or you’ll end up as vulture food.

18. Hire a blacksmith to make a customized plaque for your anniversary. Or better yet, learn how to make it yourself. Blacksmithing will be a useful skill when society collapses and the internet is toast.

19. Go go-karting at a local track. It’s like Mario Kart but with a bar. Here’s your opportunity to drink and drive.

20. Go snowboarding down a mountain. Take a lesson if you’ve never learned.

21. Go cross-country skiing through the trees. Ask other couples to join and have a fun group date. Plus you can split on transportation costs.

22. Go downhill skiing down a local hill. Don’t forget your helmet and try not to run over any toboggan kids.

23. Go spelunking through caves. The spookiness will bring you closer. Bring home some fun souvenirs. (That they sell. Leave the stalactites alone.)

24. Rappel down a mountain side. Hire a tour guide and get a bunch of friends to join.

25. Go rock climbing up a mountain with a tour guide. It’ll greatly increase trust levels.

26. Take a personal plane ride over your city. Take lots of photos so you can post them on social media and pretend you went sky diving.

27. Go geocaching in the wilderness. Find some treasure and replace it with your own. (The real treasure is the time you spend together.) /groan

28. Go horseback riding on the beach. Take lots of photos with your hair waving in the wind and you’ll look like a movie star/billionaire.

29. Rent kayaks and travel through wavy waters. Find a deserted island and have a picnic.

30. Dress up as your favorite superheroes and go to Comicon. If your costume is great you’ll get lots of followers on social media. Get enough followers and you can start doing paid posts. More money, more dates.

31. Join a recreational lacrosse team and learn how to wear polo shirts every day. As a side bonus, you’ll get in great shape because lacrosse is tough.

32. Buy a longboard and travel through your city in style. Fun with a side of hipster. (Wear dumb hats.)

33. Go to a racetrack. Rent Ferraris. Get a personal lesson on race car driving. Try not to crash it or your next insurance payment will make your student loans look like the fees for an overdue book.

34. Find a vertical wind tunnel and feel like you’re flying. Take lots of pics.

35. Go on a tour with a truffle hunting dog or pig. You get to buy some of what you find. (Warning: They are mega expensive. Also, truffles are not chocolates, they’re fungi.)

36. Go to a paintball arena and gear up. Bring friends for extra team members or play with new friends. This is a good activity for learning if your partner will be able to shoot the zombies in the head.

37. Rent a speedboat and go tubing. If you can’t drive a boat, hire an instructor, or watch a 15 minute YouTube video.

38. Rent a sailboat with a crew to teach you some sailing tricks. This one you should not try alone.

39. Learn how to scuba dive. Go somewhere tropical and swim with sharks or manta rays. Sharks are cooler but manta rays won’t eat you if the cage breaks.

40. Go on a shopping spree at the fanciest mall in town. Go to your favorite stores and pick out whatever you want.

41. Go to a desert hill. Sand surf to the bottom on your belly or standing (if you’re a pro.)

42. Buy a slackline. Set it up on two trees and do your best to tightrope walk together.

43. Hire an instructor to teach you both how to surf. See who can catch a wave. To make it an expensive date, do it in a place like Hawaii. Watch out for volcanos.

44. Go to an art show and buy a piece of art for each other. If you live together, buy one expensive piece.

45. If you’re a fan of superhero movies, try buying an old comic book the movie was based on.

46. Buy each other a fancy perfume you feel describes their personality. Let the other person okay the scent first. Some people are picky about scents.

47. Buy train tickets and take a tour of the scenery in your area. Double the fun if you do it in winter or across a large area like Europe or China.

48. Buy a record player. Listen to your favorite records together in a classic fashion. Vinyl just sounds better. Everybody knows this.

49. Go to a Broadway play you’ve always wanted to see. Line up in Times Square for cheaper tickets.

50. Take individualized boxing lessons and see how you fare in the ring together. If you break up at least you’ll have learned something useful for walking to your car alone at night.

51. Organize a poker night for you and your friends. Hire a dealer to make it cool. You can even rent a fancy table.

52. Go on a boat tour and try to catch a view of jumping whales. If you don’t see any whales, it’s possible you were taken for a ride. Ask for a refund.

53. Go to the circus. Cirque de Soleil has beautiful performances everyone should see.

54. Go to an expensive theme park. Roller-coaster. Adrenaline. Fright brings people together.

55. Attend a cooking class together. You get to drink wine and eat the food at the end. Buy each other some fancy cookware when you get home.

56. Go to the opera. Dressing fancy makes for great Instagram pics. Plus you’ll look class as hell.

57. Go to the ballet. May be dry if you don’t like ballet, but it’s a great excuse to go out. Going to the ballet is a very rich person thing to do. You want to be rich don’t you?

58. Rent a boat and go water skiing. Get someone to push your butt up if you’re having trouble.

59. Stay at the fanciest hotel in town for the night. Order in room service. Splurge on a nice bottle of booze.

60. Get out of town and go to a bed and breakfast for the weekend. Super homey and extremely cute.

61. Go to a water park in another state. The longer you travel, the more satisfying the water will feel.

62. Take a hot air balloon ride. Scary, but majestic. Bring champagne.

63. Go on a dinner cruise. Cheesy, but still romantic. Get the chef to prepare your date something special. Maybe their favorite food, ya know.

64. Go skydiving together. It’s a once in a lifetime experience. Especially if your chute doesn’t open.

65. Go bungee jumping over water. You can ask to let your head splash in the water.  This isn’t scary, it’s fun.

66. Rent a limo and drive around town pretending to be rich and famous. Wear sunglasses at night so “your fans don’t recognize you.”


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