175 Life Hacks to Make Your Life Easier

Life can suck. Some days we wake up and it’s raining and it’s cold and the last thing we want to do is crawl out of bed and go to work. So here are 175 ways to make your life a little bit easier.

1. Don’t post anything on social media you don’t want your boss to read.

2. If your barbecue lighter is broken and your starter doesn’t work, light a piece of spaghetti on fire and use it to light your BBQ. The spaghetti will burn slowly like a candle.

3. To easily remember a long string of random items, picture a combination of each item and the one following it. So if your first two items are milk and coconuts, picture a glass of milk with tiny coconuts floating in it. If the third item is blueberries, then picture a giant blueberry with hairs like a coconut on it. The more ridiculous each image you create in your mind the easier it is to remember. Using this trick you can easily remember 20 random items. Great for groceries or impressing people at a party.

4. Smelly hands? Ordinary soap not removing the smell? Mix some toothpaste into your palms along with dish soap and rub vigorously. Also works for feet.

5. If you need to clean or your children’s small toys, like Lego blocks, place them in a mesh laundry bag and run it through the washing machine.

6. If you’re planning on buying a new vehicle, wait until the last few days of the month before visiting a car lot. Salespeople have monthly quotas they need to hit or they’ll get in trouble. Just look for the most depressed-looking guy and give him your business. He’ll be the most likely to give you a discount.

7. Eggs can be substituted for 1/4 cup of plain yogurt, applesauce, or chickpea juice. Chickpea juice is the most effective. Seriously. It’s also vegan. Strain a can of chickpeas and save the liquid.

8. People who ask for advice have usually already made up their minds. Most of them are just looking for confirmation. Don’t spend too much time convincing them your idea is better.

9. Smile whenever you see your reflection. It’s been scientifically proven that smiling makes us feel happier.

10. Can’t sleep? Scientists have proven that a mild drop in body temperature can induce sleep. So lower the thermostat when you hop into bed. Alternatively you can take a hot shower and finish it up with a blast of cold water. The cold water will also close your pores so you’ll stay cleaner for longer.

11. Can’t open that jar? Run it under hot water for a few seconds then tap the rim with a wooden spoon. Presto!

12. Before you open a can of soda pop, tap on the lip a few times. This will prevent it from exploding if the can was shaken accidently.

13. Drinking water alongside alcoholic beverages will not make you “less drunk.” This is a myth. If you’re getting hammered you should drink as much water as you normally would. This will prevent a wicked hangover.

14. The best cures for a hangover are a fresh banana milkshake and a bacon sandwich. It works even better if you eat them before you fall asleep.

15. AAA batteries can be used as AA batteries by wedging a tiny ball of tinfoil between the battery and the negative connector.

16. If your spouse’s friends don’t like you, then your spouse has probably been talking trash about you behind your back. If you hate your spouse’s friends then odds are your spouse used to be, or is still just like them.

17. Most people will default to a “No” answer when asked a yes or no question. It’s just instinct. So avoid yes or no questions.

18. If you come into a financial windfall, seek professional financial advice before telling anybody, even family. Most people who win the lottery are broke within five years. You can prevent this by planning properly.

19. When applying for a job, rename your resume file to FirstName_LastName_JobPosition. You don’t want a file called resume.pdf getting lost in a sea of documents. Stand out and you will be noticed.

20. Even if you don’t have one, put a sign in your window that says you have a security system. Most thieves will move on to easier targets.

21. Microwaved food tastes much better if you lower the heat and increase the cooking time. You should also arrange the food in a ring around your plate, leaving an empty hole in the middle.

22. When buying flowers for someone special, deal directly with a florist instead of using a website like 1800flowers. These companies have monopolized internet search results, but you can find a local florist if you google: CityName + State + florist. By going directly through the florist you will save money and maybe get a nicer arrangement.

23. When interviewing for a job make sure to ask a lot of questions. Get the interviewer to talk about how great the company is and why they’re looking for someone like you. The idea is to change the dynamic of the interview and make them sell you on the job instead you selling them on why you should be hired.

24. The best way to eliminate germs from water is to boil it. If boiling water is not an option you can add two drops of unscented plain bleach to a liter of warm water. Mix well then cover and let stand 30 minutes. If water is cloudy or comes from a lake or river then use four drops of bleach. 

25. Become a happier person by spending less time on social media complaining about the things you dislike, and spend more time talking about the things you do like.

26. Studies show people wearing fancy clothes will be questioned less in their actions. So if you’re planning on making a radical decision at work or home, dress up nice before you break the news.

27. If your phone (or other electronic device) is exposed to water, don’t panic. Just turn it off and put in a plastic bag with dry rice in it. Let it sit overnight and the rice will absorb all the water. The most harmful thing for electronics is to turn them on/use them when they’re wet. So be patient.

28. If you grind your coffee beans you should use them within 30 minutes of grinding. Never grind beans at the store. The extra quality will be lost and you might as well pay less for pre-ground coffee.

29. You can get free tennis balls (used) from your local tennis club. Great for dog owners whose dogs tend to play rough.

30. People will take you for granted if you give too much, or appear too frequently at social gatherings. Increase your own mysteriousness by withdrawing from social life for a while. Everybody loves a mysterious person.

31. If your family pet runs away, then outside your house make a little tower of your pet’s favorite toys and add an article or two of your own clothing (for the smell), and place a dish of water on top. Hopefully he wanders back.

32. You can get the answer to almost any computer problem by googling the issue “+ solved”.

33. Instead of increasing the font size to make your essay look longer, add an expanded bibliography. Include pages and excerpts from sources. You could also add an appendix.

34. You can get free moving boxes at your local liquor store. Look for the boxes that had glass products in them, they’re the sturdiest.

35. A messy workspace can lower morale and productivity. Spend a few minutes cleaning it each morning.

36. Silica gel packets (like those found in packages of beef jerky) will slow down the rusting process of tools and kitchen utensils. So throw a few in your cabinets/toolbox.

37. Almost every job that brings you in for a group interview and pays purely on commission is a scam. They want you to sell some crappy product (usually knifes) to your family/friends until you’ve used up all your contacts and then quit.

38. If you find an online coupon deal that has expired, call the business and see if they’ll still honor the discount. If you ask in person your odds of success are lower. By calling you’re saying “Give me deal or I’m not visiting your business.”

39. Spending just two minutes per day doing ballistic stretches and trying to take up as much space as possible will noticeably increase your self-confidence.

40. Drinking apple juice before going to sleep will give you vibrant and crazy dreams. Scientists have not figured out why this is.

41. Amazon (and most other online retailers who price match) will credit your account if an item you purchased is reduced in price within 30 days of your purchase.

42. Press 0 to skip most telephone menus and go straight to a real person. If you’re emailing customer support, put “URGENT” in the subject line for a quick response.

43. If you’re going to 15 minutes late, tell them you’re going to be 25 minutes late. That way you look like a hero when you show up in 15 minutes, and if for some reason you end up being 25 minutes late then you’re covered.

44. Mayonnaise is the best product for removing sticky things (like gum) from your hair.

45. 30 minutes before you work out eat a banana and a half-cup of Greek yogurt. This will give your body the energy and protein to maximize your workout session.

46. Instead of hanging up on telemarketers, make up a weird story and waste as much of their time as possible. Eventually they will hang up on you. This is better because if you hang on them, then their computer will schedule you for a callback. If they hang up on you, they might write in their electronic notes that you’re a weirdo and shouldn’t be bothered with anymore.

47. Parking lots of 24-hour businesses like Wal-Mart can be used as long-term parking or as somewhere to sleep if you can’t find a motel.

48. If you wrap your food in a paper towel before putting in a plastic sandwich bag, your food won’t get soggy.

49. Most people will decide whether they want to have sexual intercourse with someone within 10 seconds of meeting them. If you’re not getting any positive signals, then move on. He or she is not interested.

50. If you don’t have a lot of money for groceries, then buy a lot of potatoes. They’re very cheap and have tonnes of vitamins. You can survive purely off potatoes.

51. If you frequent the same establishments on a regular basis, (like restaurants) then keep a file on your phone with details the employees/servers share with you. Simply remembering if someone has kids or what they’re studying in school can lead to a friendlier experience and thus better service.

52. Phone up your cable provider and tell them you want to cancel your television/internet. They will almost always offer you a discount to stay with them. If they don’t you can always hang up before the process is completed.

53. Want to sound smarter? Leave out the “uhm, uhhs, and hmms.” Speak slowly and carefully. Watch some YouTube videos of politicians giving important speeches. These people have been coached by professionals. Copy their mannerisms for fast results.

54. Instead of throwing out your ketchup squeeze bottles, save them for making pancakes. Just mix the batter inside the ketchup bottle then put the top back on. Squeeze out the batter like ketchup. It’s cleaner and easier to make fun shapes.

55. If you wake up after partying all night and still feel groggy, you might still be technically drunk in the eyes of the law. Don’t risk driving. Wait a few hours.

56. If you want to see how well your references hold up, have your significant other contact them and pretend to be a potential employer.

57. Throw some Doritos in the food processor for a few seconds for a great popcorn topping.

58. The people who talk the most and the loudest are usually the most insecure in the room.

59. When ordering French fries at a fast food place, ask for unsalted fries. This ensures you will get fresh fries instead of ones that have been sitting around for a while. You can always grab a salt packet and salt them yourself.

60. If you put your phone on airplane mode it will remove most advertising from your free programs as well as save on battery power.

61. Drill some tiny holes into the bottom of your plastic garbage bins if you’re having suction issues when removing bags.

62. Know somebody who is addicted to a substance that isn’t healthy for them? Odds are they’re just lonely and crave human connection. Invite them to participate in more group activities.

63. Mayonnaise is easy to make at home and much healthier than the stuff you get at the store. Throw a few garlic cloves in to make a sauce similar to the one found at shawarma shops.

64. If you’re thirsty then you’re already dehydrated. If your urine is yellow or dark yellow then you’re dehydrated. If you feel tired even though you think shouldn’t be, you’re dehydrated. Drink more water. Drink a bottle of water when you wake up in the morning and one in the afternoon.

65. Vertically-striped clothing makes you look taller.

66. Buying avocados? Unlike almost every other fruit or vegetable you don’t want to buy the hard ones. Buy one that’s slightly soft so it’ll be easy to scoop out. If you accidently buy a hard one, you can always soften it by baking it in the oven at 200F for a few minutes.

67. Speaking of avocados, homemade guacamole is a great appetizer to make when you don’t know what to bring to a party. Simple combine 3 avocados, 2 tablespoons of salsa, 1 teaspoon of salt, 2 cloves of minced garlic, 2 tablespoons of lime juice and a pinch of cumin. Add more salt and lime juice according to your tastes. Let it chill in the fridge before you serve it. The flavors will just get better.

68. If a child/toddler takes a tumble then don’t make a fuss. They rarely burst into tears if the adult doesn’t react. Just pretend everything is okay and they will act as though nothing happened.

69. When storing meat in the freezer, flatten it as much possible before wrapping it in plastic wrap or placing in plastic baggies. The flatter the meat the faster it will thaw when you take it out.

70. If you don’t feel like doing your work, commit to just five minutes. Once you start your brain will think “Hey this isn’t so bad,” and you’ll finish the job.

71. If paying/asking someone to proofread a document for you, then you should intentionally include at least two errors to make sure they’re actually doing their job. Include some tricky grammatical errors if you want to see how good they are.

72. If the power runs out and you don’t have any candles, light your Crayons on fire. They will burn for approximately 30 minutes per Crayon. Make sure to wedge them into a candlestick holder so you don’t burn your house down.

73. When looking for a new house make sure both you and your spouse have cell phone reception. Some areas, even in major cities, still have bad reception.

74. Can’t sleep? Close your eyes and take four deep breaths. Picture yourself standing up from your bed. Imagine yourself walking through your house. Out the door. Walking around your neighborhood. Research shows you can “trick” your brain into starting the dream process.

75. Before you go away on holidays, take some photos of your house and your precious belongings. If your house is burglarized when you’re away then it will be much easier to file an insurance claim. Take a picture of your luggage while you’re at it. If the airline loses it, you can show them the picture and it will be easier for them to find. This works for your kids as well. If you’re going somewhere they might get lost take a picture so you can show security who to look for.

76. Don’t compare your life to someone’s social media feed. That’s like comparing your behind-the-scenes-footage to their highlight reel. Everybody has problems. Famous people with seemingly wonderful lives commit suicide all the time.

77. If you’re planning on having lots of people over, lower the thermostat a one or two degrees. Your guest’s body heat will make up the difference. If you don’t lower the thermostat then everybody will be hot after an hour.

78. Throw your kitchen washcloth in the microwave for 30 seconds to eliminate any nasty odours. Make sure it’s a little damp by running it under cold water and then squeezing most of the water out.

79. If you’re feeling stressed, watch one of your favorite movies. The familiarity and predictability of the story will calm you down.

80. If you’re having a conversation with someone and they cross their arms, they probably don’t like what you’re saying.

81. If you’re trying to sneak across a room without being heard, stay close to the walls and the furniture to reduce creaking sounds. When walking on steps, don’t step in the middle.

82. Throw some ice cubes and fresh herbs down your garbage disposal to make your kitchen smell nice.

83. Go for a long walk before making any major decisions. Your brain will wander you’ll think of things you wouldn’t have otherwise. Leave the phone at home.

84. Create a second email account with a unique password and use that one when you sign up on any strange sites. This ensures your main account will never be spammed. If you use Gmail you can use your current address and instead of @gmail.com use @googlemail.com

85. Don’t cheap out on graphic design. The images you download off the internet will look terrible when printed for a high-quality pamphlet or menu. You must at least purchase a high-resolution stock photo.

86. A significant number of people have a genetic abnormality that makes cilantro taste like soap. So if you’re preparing food for a large group, avoid using cilantro.

87. To tell if somebody is lying, just ask them. If they give you a short answer they’re probably telling the truth. If they ramble on about how innocent they are with statements like: “I swear to Jesus,” they’re probably lying.

88. Pay down your mortgage as quickly as possible to save thousands of dollars in interest.

89. You’ll get better fitness results with proper form than heavier weights.

90. If you don’t ask for something, you’ll never get it. Especially when dealing with businesses. They will almost never offer a discount/refund, but if you ask for one and you’re polite about it, you might just get it.

91. Salt craving? Have a dill pickle or a handful of olives. This will satisfy your sodium needs but without the calories of potato chips or other salty foods.

92. Meat and fish that has been seasoned by the grocery store is usually the old stuff they’re trying to get rid of. Buy the fresh stuff and season it yourself.

93. If you put duct tape on the back of your sandpaper it will last much longer.

94. Looking for an MP3 but can’t find it on your music service? YouTube videos can be easily converted to MP3 files. Just search for: YouTube to mp3.

95. Buy a can of compressed air at your local computer supply store or hardware store. Turn off your computer, unplug it, bring it outside, and open the case. Use the compressed air to get all the dust out of your computer. This will greatly extend the life of your computer. Compressed air is also good for cleaning your keyboard or dusting hard to reach places.

96. When setting a lunch or dinner date at a popular restaurant, meet at the half hour. Most people set their meetings for a round hour, like 8PM. If you meet at the half or quarter hour, you’re more likely to get a table.

97. Three steps to turn your ordinary cake recipe into a five-star bakery recipe: Add an extra egg, replace oil with melted salted butter, and replace water with 2% milk.

98. You can charge your phone by plugging it into almost any device that has a USB port. Computers, televisions, automobiles, etc.

99. To tell if a pineapple is ripe, pull out one of the leaves from the middle of the fruit. If it slides out easily then the pineapple is ripe.

100. Furnishing a cottage or basement? Check out the estate auctions in nearby small towns. You can pick up great deals on quality pieces. You can often find great art to hang on the wall as well.

101. Save money at fast food joints by sticking to the dollar menu. Two McDoubles at McDonalds is cheaper than a Big Mac and has more protein (44 grams vs 26 grams.) More protein will keep you feeling full for longer.

102. When it comes to insurance, stick to the big ones. Home, health/disability, vehicle, travel, and life. You don’t need a coffee-stain insurance policy for your sofa. Odds are the company won’t honor it anyway.

103. When someone gives you a telephone number, read it back to them incorrectly. If they say nothing then you just got fake-numbered. Sorry.

104. Always ask for a discount or for something to be thrown in for free before you complete your purchase. You’ll be surprised how often this works. When a salesman thinks he might lose a sale he gets desperate.

105. If you don’t want to hold on to someone’s business card for the rest of your life, just take a picture of it with your phone.

106. Wasps won’t build a nest nearby other wasp nests. So buy yourself a couple fake wasp nests and hang them from the front and back of your house. Presto, no more wasps. Don’t feel bad either, wasps don’t contribute to pollination and are pretty much useless.

107. Instead of reheating your cold pizza in the microwave, toss it onto a frying pan, cover, and cook over medium-heat for 5 minutes. Much better.

108. Your local bank branch can notarize almost anything for you and will often waive the charge if you’re a friendly customer.

109. Before submitting any written work to your teacher/boss, let it sit a few days then read it on a different device you used to write it. Odds are you’ll find some errors you glazed over on the computer.

110. Expensive cables and power bars add almost nothing to the quality of your television.

111. When choosing your electives in college, take a statistics course. The real-world applications are numerous.

112. If you lock your keys in the car while parked somewhere that has a security office (like an amusement park), check and see if they can open your car before calling a tow-truck. It’s actually pretty simple if they’ve got the right tool, and security guards at popular places with large parking lots see it happen all the time.

113. If you want to start a campfire but don’t have any kindling, use junk food like potato chips or Doritos. If you’re camping you probably brought something, right?!

114. To create a simple speaker for your cellphone (great for camping or parties), wedge it into a cardboard paper towel roll and cram two plastic cups on the end of it. You’ll have to either cut off the bottoms or the sides of the plastic cups with a knife.

115. Most people will move their schedules around to fit in a first date. If someone is always busy when you ask them out, then they probably aren’t interested. Move on!

116. Most major electronics stores will match prices with similar products on the internet. So bring your smart phone and google the model number before buying anything expensive.

117. Don’t cheap out on running shoes. Cheap shoes will save you money in the short term but will break apart after a few months of medium use.

118. If you want to lose weight fast, then eat a small breakfast, a huge high-protein lunch, and skip dinner. By eating a big lunch you won’t get hungry until it’s time to fall asleep. If you get hungry before bed time just brush your teeth and drink a glass of water.

119. If you don’t like skipping meals then buy a jump rope and exercise for 20 minutes per day. You’ll easily burn over 200 calories.

120. Not sure whether to use “I” or “me” in a sentence with multiple people? Eliminate the second party and see if the sentence still makes sense. Example: Me and my friends went to the movies. “Me went to the movies,” doesn’t sound very good does it? My friends and I went to the movies. Much better.

121. A large apple will wake you up faster than a cup of coffee.

122. If your guest bathroom doesn’t have a plunger then eventually you’re going to be having an awkward conversation with someone.

123. If you need to buy a present for someone but have no idea what to get them, tell them you already bought it, but they’ll never guess what it is. Buy them something they guessed. At least you know they want it.

124. Diet soda will make you hungry even if your body doesn’t need any food. Avoid drinking it after dinner to dodge that late-night snack craving.

125. If you think you’re being followed make four right turns. If you’re on foot, then look for a bus stop. Run to catch the bus but then don’t get on. If the person behind you ran to catch up but then didn’t get on the bus you’re being followed.

126. You can preserve your night vision by covering one eye when you turn a bright light on. Great for going to the bathroom and not being blind when you stumble back to bed.

127. Don’t talk about creative work you haven’t finished/started yet. Your brain derives the same satisfaction from talking about doing these things as actually having done them. If you talk about it, you might end up never finishing/starting.

128. When managing people, never make a vague statement like: “Somebody print the forms.” Always tell a specific person to do it. Otherwise everybody will think “somebody” will do it and it might not get done. If the forms don’t get printed it’s not a big deal, but in a disaster scenario when you need someone to call 9-1-1 it might mean the difference between life and death.

129. When travelling to a country with low wages bring a lot of $1 bills. Hand them out whenever anybody does something nice for you. The workers will love you and you’ll get amazing service.

130. If you don’t want to drink alcohol or eat junk food because you’re on a diet, tell people you’re taking medication or have developed an intolerance. This way your friends won’t try and peer pressure you into eating/drinking whatever it is you’re trying to avoid.

131. Fresh ginger root can be wrapped in plastic and preserved in the freezer. It lasts much longer and is easier to grate.

132. That friend of yours who thinks people are always lying is probably a huge liar. Same goes for people who think everybody cheats on their spouses.

133. After you’ve opened your ice cream and pigged out a little, put the lid back on and place it in a freezer bag before putting it back in the freezer. This will ensure your ice cream stays fresh longer instead of forming those nasty ice crystals.

134. If you’re reading an eBook on your phone or tablet, switch it to night-mode when reading at night. This will make the background black and the text white. It will significantly reduce the strain on your eyes making it easier to fall asleep after. Reduce screen brightness for even better results. This will also save battery power.

135. If you’re having problems getting over something in your past, close your eyes and picture someone apologizing to you. Then picture yourself accepting the apology. You’ll feel better.

136. Round off your diet with a multivitamin. The Rock (Dwayne Johnson) takes a multivitamin and a fish oil pill every day and he’s basically a superhuman. But stay away from cheap products because they don’t always have the listed amount of vitamins and minerals. Cheap fish oil is often found to be rancid, which is super gross. So don’t cheap out.

137. Soap and white vinegar (hot but not boiling) can remove a stain from almost anything. Squirt some soap onto whatever you’re trying to clean and use a sponge dipped in vinegar to dab out the stain. If you’ve got something old and dirty you think will never be clean again (like old paint brushes) dump them into the pot of hot vinegar when you’re finishing cleaning your stain.

138. When out for dinner with someone who you know is going to be paying for the meal, ask them what they would recommend. This way you don’t make the mistake of ordering something too expensive.

139. Sore throat? Eat a couple marshmallows. You can also try a glass of water with lemon juice and honey stirred into it. Singers and actors use this sooth their vocal chords.

140. If you travel a lot then you should pack a power strip/surge protector in your carry-on. It’s a great way to meet new friends when your flight gets delayed. Simply plug it into the wall and let people charge their devices.

141. Take a 5 minute break for every 45 minutes of work. Get up, stretch your legs, have a drink of water. Stand-up straight against the wall to re-adjust your body to good posture.

142. For a memorable first date, take them somewhere thrilling, like an amusement park or bungee jumping.

143. If a salesperson is being pushy/abrasive, just tell them you can’t afford whatever they’re trying to sell you. They’ll leave you alone and seek somebody else to pester.

144. It’s much easier to learn a new skill when you have an end-goal in mind. Example: Computer programming can be learned at home for free. There is an endless amount of free training videos on YouTube. First decide what it is you want to program, then ask around and find out the best language is to create your project. The mind craves a plan of action. You should also join an internet community focused on the skill you want to learn and participate daily.

145. Many dentists will offer free laser teeth whitening if you commit to an initial check-up. If you have insurance you can do this once every couple years for practically nothing. Laser teeth whitening is effective and expensive. Don’t miss out!

146. Sink or tub not draining properly? Put the stopper in then pour into your sink a half cup of baking soda and a cup of vinegar. It will create reaction like those volcanoes you made in grade school. When it’s done foaming, unstop the sink and run some water until the foam is gone.

147. Permanent marker can be removed from pretty much anything with rubbing alcohol. You could also use toothpaste mixed with baking soda.

148. The plank is a safer abdominal exercise than the sit-up. It also works out more muscles and can be done during TV commercials.

149. If you can manage it, the only time you should get into bed is when you’re ready to sleep. This will trick your body into falling asleep faster.

150. Fruit flies? Fill a glass with one inch of apple cider. Squirt a bit of dish soap into the glass. Cover the glass with plastic wrap and poke a few holes. Goodbye fruit flies.

151. To quickly chill a bottle of beer or a can of soda, wrap it in a wet paper towel and put it in the freezer. Take it out after five to ten minutes.

152. When buying any tools or appliances for your kitchen, purchase them at your local restaurant supply store. (Every major city has one.) You’ll end up spending a bit more money but your kitchen stuff will work better and last much longer.

153. If you don’t have a corkscrew but need to open a wine bottle, find a screw that is at least one inch and screw it into the cork. Use a hammer to pull out the cork.

154. While on vacation, hide your money in an empty chapstick container. Big bills only.

155. Keep a container of frozen grapes in your freezer. This way you can cool down a glass of warm wine without watering it down with ice cubes. For whiskey, invest in a set of whiskey rocks, which are usually volcanic stones which freeze well but have no taste.

156. When hiking in areas with dangerous wild animals, make sure to make a lot of noise. Sing, clap, shout, hoot, etc. The animals will avoid you. You could also wear some bells on your belt or backpack.

157. To keep homemade cookies nice and soft, put a slice of bread into the cookie container.

158. If you get lost in the woods, look for power lines and (very carefully) see if you can disable them. When the power crew shows up to fix the line you will be rescued.

159. Always conduct your Craigslist/Kijiji transactions in a public place. The best place is in front of a police station.

160. It’s easier to open a banana from the end without the stem. Just pinch it and then peel back.

161. Bring a lighter with you when going to party or concert. You never know when that attractive single person will need to light their cigarette.

162. If you drop something small (like your wedding ring) into a sink or bathtub, don’t try and grab it, just put your hand over the drain and wait for the object to stop moving.

163. If you’re going to snooze then make sure you’ve got at least 45 minutes. Our sleep cycles are 45 minutes long and if you wake up between them you will feel groggy.

164. Always put snack food into a small bowl instead of eating directly from the bag. This will limit overeating and you’ll probably be full by the time you’re finished.

165. If you get a new job, then save a copy of the job description and the application you filled out to get said job. If you ever want to switch jobs again, it will be much easier to update your resume with a professional job history/description.

166. To avoid falling asleep when driving long distances crack the window open and chew some bubble gum.

167. You can rub a walnut on damaged furniture to cover up dings and scratches.

168. If you don’t get enough sleep your body will crave junk food because it needs fast calories to stay awake. Make sure to eat a big and healthy breakfast if you don’t get enough sleep.

169. To easily remove wrinkles from a piece of clothing just throw it in the dryer along with an ice cube. Five to ten minutes later your wrinkles are gone.

170. Meat and cheeses are much easier to slice evenly if they’ve been sitting in the freezer for a few minutes.

171. Keep few ice cubes at the back of your freezer but not in any containers. Check them every so often, and if they’ve vanished there might be something wrong with your freezer. Think of it like the canary in the coal mine.

172. Super dirty microwave? Put a bowl of water inside your microwave and cook on high for two minutes. The steam will loosen all the food particles and make it super easy to clean. One or two wipes with a paper towel and it will look brand new.

173. If you’re worried you have bad breath, lick your arm, wait a few seconds and then smell it. That’s what your breath smells like.

174. Most bakeries will sell their day-old bread for almost nothing. Throw it in the freezer for a rainy day.

175. Add a teaspoon of baking soda to your water when boiling eggs to ensure the shell will slide off easily.

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