How to Tell if Someone is Lying to You (20 Signs)

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It's a tough world out there. It seems like you can't trust anyone these days. Everyone seems to have an ulterior motive and you never know who is telling the truth. But, there are some telltale signs that people give off when they're lying to you.

In this post I'm going to go over those signs so that you can figure out if someone is being honest with you.

Here are 20 ways to tell if someone is lying.

1. They won't look you in the eyes.

Liars will often look away when they lie to you and avert their gaze. Direct eye contact is difficult because it's uncomfortable: anyone who looks right at us while they speak gives off the vibe that they're trustworthy, and we trust them in return. Conversely, if someone averts their eyes, we sense that something is wrong.

2. You'll see an uptick in nervous habits.

Liars often manifest in repetitive motion. They might tap their fingers, bounce their leg or drum their fingers on the side of the table. This is because anxiety makes it difficult for us to sit still for too long without doing something.

3. They pause more frequently.

When people hesitate before answering questions, they often do so to figure out what they want to say next. This is a common indication someone is lying because liars don't know what to do with the information you're giving them. Whenever someone pauses before speaking, it usually means that they have to think of what to say next.

4. They give overly-detailed explanations.

When people lie, they often do so in a hurry. Lying naturally puts them in a position where they feel like there's not enough time to explain whatever it is that they're saying. Because of this, liars will add superfluous information when they lie to you. They do this because it gives them more time to construct a lie.

5. They give short answers.

When people are telling the truth, they'll speak in an open-ended manner; when someone is lying, on the other hand, it's difficult for them to explain things because they don't have any background knowledge about what they're talking about. The explanation they do provide will often be short, and sometimes even one-word answers.

This is because liars don't want to give you any information that you can use against them; if they do talk for a long period of time, they may provide more details than necessary. Because of this, liars will often speak as vaguely as possible, using short answers so as not to give you any information about what they're saying.

6. They avoid using contractions when they speak.

When people lie, they often give off a formal vibe. They do this because it makes them sound more trustworthy and honest, which in turn makes whoever is listening to them believe that they're telling the truth. Using formal language sounds unnatural, however, so this can be a major clue.

Using words like “do not” "cannot" or "will not" often makes whoever is listening to you feel uncomfortable because these words seem too assertive. If someone uses formal language while they're speaking with you, it can often mean that they're lying.

7. They'll use filler words more frequently.

Filler words are common when someone is trying to think of what to say next. Using them indicates that the person has a hard time forming complete sentences because they don't know how to express what they want to say next in a coherent manner. Like when a CEO uses too many buzz words like "vertical integration" or "upside synergy." They're trying to confuse you and to get you to just accept their version things.

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8.They repeat words and phrases more frequently.

This is because liars use filler words when they speak; using many of them at once often makes it seem like they're uncertain about what to say next, or that they don't know how to explain their situation. When someone repeats the same words over and over again, it typically means that they don't want to give you anything substantial.

Liars repeat words and phrases over and over again because it gives them time to construct an answer; if they don't know what lie to say next, repeating the same word allows them more time to create something believable.

This is especially common when liars are asked difficult or unexpected questions.

9. They'll fidget more frequently and intensely when they lie to you.

When someone fiddles with their hands, rubs their eyes, moves around a lot or changes position frequently, it usually means that they're trying to come up with a lie.

10.They spread a lot of rumors.

Especially when they're trying to paint someone in a negative light. Liars don’t always make things up about themselves because it makes them look less credible but are quick to talk about others who are not present at the time of the conversation. Spreading rumors about people typically means that they want other people to see that individual negatively. If you find yourself in a situation where someone is telling you several negative rumors about one person, it usually means that they're trying to make themselves look better by comparison.

11. They try to get other people on your side of the story.

Liars typically want to get everyone's perspective on what's going on. This is because they want to make themselves look innocent in the eyes of everyone else. If you find yourself with someone who is trying to get many people on their side of the story, it usually means that they're lying about something and want to make themselves appear more credible in the eyes of others.

12. They add addendums when they talk.

When asked a question, people typically give short answers. If you find yourself with someone who's giving you long explanations about the simplest questions, it usually means that they're lying. Liars try to come up with stories in their head so that they can appear more believable; this results in them adding lots of unnecessary details onto their responses when asked simple questions.

13. Their body language is too rigid.

Liars often feel very nervous when they have to talk to or around others about a problem; this makes them put on a front of being calm, cool and collected. Liars don't typically use lots of hand gestures because it makes them appear nervous and unsure of themselves, so their body language becomes too rigid. Someone who is lying to you will usually stand or sit in a very stiff, unnatural manner that makes their emotions seem fake.

14. Their facial expressions are off.

Facial muscles can be controlled to some extent. This means that when people are nervous about the truth, they often lack the ability to control their facial muscles. When someone is lying to you, they usually don't put on the right facial expressions because it would appear unnatural, so their face becomes inflexible and lacks emotion. Or, as my grandmother used to say, “If it walks and talks like a robot, there’s a good chance it isn’t human.”

15. They clear their throats a lot.

When people lie, they often have a dry throat because their nervous system restricts blood flow to the digestive tract. Liars clear their throats a lot when they talk to you because it gives them time to construct a response. If someone is lying to you and keeps clearing their throat, it probably means that they're trying to steer the conversation in a different direction.

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16. Their language is vague and general.

Liars sometimes respond with "yes" or "no" answers because they don't want to give away any specific details that would incriminate them, so they use vague language when they speak. Liars also use a lot of words like "sort of," "kind of," "maybe," "I think so," and "it seems like." If you find yourself with someone who is speaking in a very difficult-to-understand way, it can often mean that they're lying.

17. They pull their hair a lot.

Liars often pull their hair because it gives them something to do with their hands and they feel very nervous about what's going on around them. Liars typically like to hide the truth and make themselves look good, so this habit makes it seem like they're occupied and distracted even when they aren't doing anything at all. This helps them avoid eye contact when they're lying to you.

18. They cover their vulnerable spots.

Liars often try to hide their vulnerable spots when they're in conversation because it makes them feel more in control. If someone covers their stomach, chest, or throat while you're having a conversation with them, it usually means that they're lying about what you're talking about.

19. Their pulse quickens when you ask them questions.

A person’s heart rate is constantly changing in response to certain events, but when people lie, their heart rate changes even before they're asked a question. If you're talking to someone and they seem very nervous all of the sudden without any explanation, it could mean that they're trying to hide something from you.

20. They start sweating.

Liars sweat a lot because their body has a hard time regulating its temperature when they lie. Liars become very nervous with the thought of getting caught, which triggers a response from their nervous system that makes them sweat. If you notice someone sweating around you for no reason, it probably means that they're lying to you about something.

It’s important to know if someone is lying to you.

Whether it's a friend, spouse, colleague, or business partner, being able to distinguish between the truth and lie can mean all the difference in the world. I hope these 20 tips were useful to you. It’s a crazy world out there.


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