200 Funny Would You Rather Questions for Kids

Welcome to the ultimate collection of "Would You Rather" questions designed especially for kids! This expansive list includes 200 fun, imaginative, and humorous questions that are guaranteed to spark creativity, provoke thought, and incite loads of laughter. Whether you're a parent, teacher, or a kid at heart, these questions are perfect for livening up a long car ride, a classroom activity, a family gathering, or even just a rainy afternoon at home. From fantastic hypotheticals about flying cars and talking pets, to funny food choices and wild wardrobe options, these questions will transport you to a world of endless possibilities. Let your imagination run wild and get ready to answer some seriously silly questions.

200 Funny Would You Rather Questions for Kids

1. Would you rather have a pet dinosaur or a pet dragon?

2. Would you rather sneeze marshmallows or fart glitter?

3. Would you rather be able to fly or be invisible?

4. Would you rather eat spaghetti with syrup or pancakes with ketchup?

5. Would you rather have a monkey tail or a unicorn horn?

6. Would you rather have legs as long as your fingers or fingers as long as your legs?

7. Would you rather only be able to whisper or only be able to shout?

8. Would you rather have a pet elephant or a pet whale?

9. Would you rather always have to hop like a kangaroo or crawl like a crab?

10. Would you rather have a shower of M&Ms every day or a shower of popcorn?

11. Would you rather be a giant mouse or a tiny elephant?

12. Would you rather have a pet penguin or a pet koala?

13. Would you rather only eat vegetables or only eat fruits?

14. Would you rather have a permanent clown face or permanent clown clothes?

15. Would you rather be a superhero or a wizard?

16. Would you rather wear a snowsuit in the desert or a swimsuit in the Arctic?

17. Would you rather have a rainbow-colored skin or glow in the dark hair?

18. Would you rather have one eye in the middle of your head or two noses?

19. Would you rather have feet for hands or hands for feet?

20. Would you rather have a pet alien or a pet robot?

21. Would you rather have chocolate flavored vegetables or vegetable flavored chocolate?

22. Would you rather have a watermelon sized head or a head sized watermelon?

23. Would you rather be a living snowman or a living sandcastle?

24. Would you rather have spaghetti for hair or sausages for fingers?

25. Would you rather sleep in a bed of marshmallows or a bed of popcorn?

26. Would you rather fart every time you laugh or burp every time you cry?

27. Would you rather talk like a pirate or a robot?

28. Would you rather have a pet flamingo or a pet panda?

29. Would you rather be a tree or a flower?

30. Would you rather have bananas for fingers or grapes for toes?

31. Would you rather have the ability to breathe underwater or talk to animals?

32. Would you rather always have to sing rather than speak or dance everywhere you go?

33. Would you rather have donuts for eyes or hot dogs for ears?

34. Would you rather have a pillow fight or a food fight?

35. Would you rather have feathers instead of hair or scales instead of skin?

36. Would you rather live in a world where it is always winter or always summer?

37. Would you rather be a cat with a dog's personality or a dog with a cat's personality?

38. Would you rather have a popcorn popping belly button or a pencil sharpening nose?

39. Would you rather have a rainbow colored zebra or a polka-dotted giraffe as a pet?

40. Would you rather have a pizza that tastes like a burger or a burger that tastes like a pizza?

41. Would you rather always have to walk on your hands or always have to cartwheel?

42. Would you rather have the ability to see through walls or hear through walls?

43. Would you rather be able to paint everything you touch or play music with anything you touch?

44. Would you rather only be able to speak in rhyme or only be able to speak in riddles?

45. Would you rather your skin was made of glass, or wood?

46. Would you rather have a popcorn machine or a candy floss machine in your bedroom?

47. Would you rather only be able to eat with a spoon or only with a fork?

48. Would you rather have a pet tarantula or a pet snake?

49. Would you rather be able to breathe out bubbles or sneeze out confetti?

50. Would you rather have a car that can fly or a boat that can go underwater?

51. Would you rather have a nose that lights up like Rudolph or have elf ears?

52. Would you rather eat a whole jar of pickles or a whole tub of ice cream?

53. Would you rather have a pet lion or a pet shark?

54. Would you rather go to school at Hogwarts or be a student at Monsters Inc.?

55. Would you rather have a lifetime supply of Legos or video games?

56. Would you rather have a head the size of a tennis ball or the size of a watermelon?

57. Would you rather have a personal robot or a personal dinosaur?

58. Would you rather have to eat broccoli flavored ice cream or ice cream flavored broccoli?

59. Would you rather have a house made out of candy or a house made out of pizza?

60. Would you rather have to wear clown shoes every day or a tutu every day?

61. Would you rather be able to talk to animals or speak every language in the world?

62. Would you rather have a magic carpet that flies or a see-through submarine?

63. Would you rather only be able to eat hot foods or only be able to eat cold foods?

64. Would you rather be able to change color like a chameleon or have the strength of an ant?

65. Would you rather always smell like popcorn or always smell like pizza?

66. Would you rather have a pet that could talk or a pet that could fly?

67. Would you rather always have to wear a helmet or always have to wear arm floaties?

68. Would you rather be a famous actor or a famous athlete?

69. Would you rather be able to create money every time you blink or have unlimited candy?

70. Would you rather have a pet dinosaur or a pet unicorn?

71. Would you rather be able to grow to the size of a giant or shrink to the size of an ant?

72. Would you rather be the fastest person in the world or be able to freeze time?

73. Would you rather have to eat a bowl of spaghetti with your fingers or eat soup with a fork?

74. Would you rather have an elephant's trunk or a giraffe's neck?

75. Would you rather have to always crawl like a baby or always walk backwards?

76. Would you rather live in a castle or a spaceship?

77. Would you rather always wear clothes that are too big or too small?

78. Would you rather have a pet tiger or a pet bear?

79. Would you rather only be able to speak in song lyrics or movie quotes?

80. Would you rather have the ability to teleport or the ability to time travel?

81. Would you rather be a character in an action-packed thriller or a hilarious comedy?

82. Would you rather be able to control the weather or talk to animals?

83. Would you rather only be able to jump everywhere you go or only be able to walk on your hands?

84. Would you rather have the ability to walk through walls or become invisible?

85. Would you rather have antlers like a deer or a tail like a monkey?

86. Would you rather live in a house shaped like a boot or a house shaped like a hat?

87. Would you rather have a magic carpet or a flying broomstick?

88. Would you rather be the best at drawing or flying a helicopter?

89. Would you rather be a master at playing any instrument?

90. Would you rather have a pet octopus or a pet eagle?

91. Would you rather always have to say everything on your mind or never speak again?

92. Would you rather be a professional singer or a professional dancer?

93. Would you rather have a lifetime supply of books or toys?

94. Would you rather have a birthday every day or Christmas every day?

95. Would you rather have to walk everywhere on stilts or roller skate everywhere?

96. Would you rather live in a house made of chocolate or a house made of cheese?

97. Would you rather be able to change the color of your hair at will or your skin at will?

98. Would you rather always be laughing or always be crying?

99. Would you rather have to eat a whole onion or a whole lemon?

100. Would you rather be a famous explorer or a famous scientist?

101. Would you rather have the superpower to create ice like Elsa or stretch like Elastigirl?

102. Would you rather have your clothes always be two sizes too big or one size too small?

103. Would you rather have an endless supply of Lego or an endless supply of Play-Doh?

104. Would you rather have a head the size of a pumpkin or the size of a pea?

105. Would you rather have butterfly wings or a peacock tail?

106. Would you rather have a magic wand or a lightsaber?

107. Would you rather be a mermaid or a centaur?

108. Would you rather be best friends with Harry Potter or Spider-Man?

109. Would you rather never have to sleep again or never have to eat again?

110. Would you rather have pizza feet or spaghetti hair?

111. Would you rather have a pet unicorn or a pet phoenix?

112. Would you rather live in a giant shoe or a giant peach?

113. Would you rather be the world’s best joke teller or the world’s best magician?

114. Would you rather be able to speak in emojis or only write in hieroglyphics?

115. Would you rather have to wear your shoes on the wrong feet or have to wear your pants backward?

116. Would you rather be a professional video game player or a professional toy tester?

117. Would you rather have a turtle shell or a kangaroo pouch?

118. Would you rather have an elephant-sized cat or a cat-sized elephant?

119. Would you rather have to eat dinner with a fork made of peas or a spoon made of spaghetti?

120. Would you rather be an astronaut or a deep-sea diver?

121. Would you rather always have to speak in a high-pitched voice or a low-pitched voice?

122. Would you rather be a character in your favorite video game or your favorite book?

123. Would you rather have a tail like a mermaid or wings like a fairy?

124. Would you rather be able to dance like Michael Jackson or sing like Whitney Houston?

125. Would you rather have a pet dragon or be a dragon?

126. Would you rather have a house full of fun slides or a house full of trampolines?

127. Would you rather have a shower that shoots out soda or a bathtub full of Jell-O?

128. Would you rather be able to fly to school or teleport to school?

129. Would you rather have a robot teacher or a ghost teacher?

130. Would you rather have an ice cream cone nose or cotton candy hair?

131. Would you rather be a human-sized ant or an ant-sized human?

132. Would you rather be able to grow a forest every time you sneeze or make a lake every time you cry?

133. Would you rather live in a world without music or without popcorn?

134. Would you rather smell like wet dog, or wet cat?

135. Would you rather eat a bowl of cereal or a bowl of candy for breakfast?

136. Would you rather have a secret lair or a tower in the clouds?

137. Would you rather be friends with a talking dog or a talking cat?

138. Would you rather have a pet cloud that rains candy or a pet flower that sings?

139. Would you rather eat a sandwich made of jelly beans or a milkshake made of french fries?

140. Would you rather have the ability to turn invisible when you dance or fly when you sing?

141. Would you rather sneeze out small fireflies or burp small bubbles?

142. Would you rather have a pet rock that rolls or a pet tree that walks?

143. Would you rather ride on a unicorn or a dragon to school?

144. Would you rather be a master of origami or a whiz at jigsaw puzzles?

145. Would you rather be able to grow flowers with a touch or make it rain candy with a snap of your fingers?

146. Would you rather have a pool filled with marshmallows or a bathtub filled with chocolate?

147. Would you rather be able to jump as high as a kangaroo or run as fast as a cheetah?

148. Would you rather have jelly legs or spaghetti arms?

149. Would you rather have a personal candy store or your own amusement park?

150. Would you rather wear a suit of armor or a spacesuit every day?

151. Would you rather have a magic eraser that can erase your mistakes or a time machine to do over your mistakes?

152. Would you rather live in a lighthouse on a cliff or a castle in the mountains?

153. Would you rather have a bed of marshmallows or a pillow of cotton candy?

154. Would you rather never have homework again or have recess all day?

155. Would you rather have a robot butler or a magical talking pet?

156. Would you rather be the author of the most popular book in the world or the star of a blockbuster movie?

157. Would you rather have a magic mirror that talks or a crystal ball that shows the future?

158. Would you rather have a magic backpack that carries an unlimited amount of items or a magic door that can take you anywhere?

159. Would you rather have a lifetime supply of stickers or a lifetime supply of glow sticks?

160. Would you rather have a never-ending game of tag or hide-and-seek?

161. Would you rather be an amazing artist but unable to see your own work or a fantastic musician but unable to hear your own music?

162. Would you rather have a magic wand that can make your chores disappear or a magic hat that can produce your favorite snacks?

163. Would you rather have a rainbow always over your head or have flowers grow wherever you walk?

164. Would you rather have your dreams projected on your bedroom walls or have theme music play whenever you enter a room?

165. Would you rather have a picnic in a treehouse or a feast in a cave?

166. Would you rather be able to make things grow really fast or make things shrink really small?

167. Would you rather have a garden that grows candy or a tree that grows toys?

168. Would you rather always be surrounded by butterflies or surrounded by bubbles?

169. Would you rather be able to draw things into existence or erase things from existence?

170. Would you rather have pizza-flavored toothpaste or toothpaste-flavored pizza?

171. Would you rather be able to move things with your mind or control time with your thoughts?

172. Would you rather have a staircase that takes you to space or a door that takes you to the ocean floor?

173. Would you rather live in a treehouse in the jungle or an igloo in the Arctic?

174. Would you rather be able to summon an army of squirrels or an army of ducks?

175. Would you rather be able to paint the sky every sunset or sculpt the clouds every day?

176. Would you rather have a never-ending supply of ice cream or a never-ending supply of cookies?

177. Would you rather have to dance every time you hear music or sing along to any song you hear?

178. Would you rather be able to remember everything you see or everything you hear?

179. Would you rather have a personal zoo or a personal aquarium?

180. Would you rather have a bathtub filled with macaroni and cheese or a swimming pool filled with lemonade?

181. Would you rather have a permanent marker or a permanent eraser?

182. Would you rather wear your pants inside out or your shirts backward?

183. Would you rather be able to freeze time while you sleep or never have to sleep?

184. Would you rather live in a world where everything is in slow motion or fast forward?

185. Would you rather have a trampoline floor or a slide instead of stairs?

186. Would you rather have a pet dinosaur that could shrink to the size of a mouse or a pet elephant that could grow to the size of a dinosaur?

187. Would you rather have an amusement park or a water park in your backyard?

188. Would you rather have the ability to change the color of things or the ability to change the shape of things?

189. Would you rather be able to fly but only as high as a house or dive as deep as a whale but only in a swimming pool?

190. Would you rather have a magic pencil that can draw things to life or a magic eraser that can erase anything?

191. Would you rather have a hat that could answer any question or shoes that could walk to any place?

192. Would you rather be able to talk to toys or talk to animals?

193. Would you rather have a balloon for a head or wheels for feet?

194. Would you rather have a cookie jar that is always full or a notebook that never runs out of pages?

195. Would you rather be the best player on a team that always loses or the worst player on a team that always wins?

196. Would you rather have a robot that does your homework or a robot that cleans your room?

197. Would you rather be able to control the weather with your mood or have the strength of a hundred people?

198. Would you rather have the ability to make anyone laugh or the ability to make anyone kind?

199. Would you rather have a lifetime supply of your favorite candy or a pet unicorn that you can ride to school?

200. Would you rather be a planet or a moon?


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